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国外网站上搜罗的一则很有意思的心理测试题,测测你对自己,对恋人,对工作等等等等的态度。 1. Imagine that you are walking along a path. What do you see around you? a. Forest, so much forest that you can hardly see the sky. b. A yellow corn field against a brilliant blue sky. c. Softly sloping green hills, with a view of mountains in the distance ? 2. What do you see near your feet? a. A mirror b. A ring c. A bottle ? 3. Will you pick it up? a. Yes b. No ? 4. You walk along and find water. In what form is the water? a. A lake b. A waterfall c. A river ? 5. You see a key in the water and you pick it up. What does it look like? a. An ordinary house key b. A beautiful antique key c. A small silver locker key ? 6. Next you stumble across a house. What type of house is it? a. A spacious Hollywood mansion b. A hut with a garden full of flowers c. A beautiful old stone castle ? 7. What do you do next? a. Look into the window b. Walk right on inside and explore c. Walk away. You're not that interested. ? 8. Suddenly, something jumps out at you. What is it? a. A bear b. A wizard c. A spider ? 9. Because you are so scared you run until you see a wall blocking the path in front of you. There is a door, but it's locked, so you look through the key hole. What do you see? a. A beautiful house with a vast garden. b. A pond in the middle of a desert. c. A beach with waves crashing onto the sand ? ? Analysis: 1.Your view on yourself: a. Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them. ? b. You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you. ? c. You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision t


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