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Unit 4 Those are eggs. 教学目标:(Teaching aims) 用复数形式“What are these/those?”“These/Those are…”辨别事物。 运用“What are these/those? These/Those are… Are these/those…?“简单对话 掌握词汇:these, those, bird, egg, children, nest, seagull, ladybird, outing 4、理解简单的名词单复数eggs-(eggs, bird-birds… 教学重、难点(key point and difficulties): 用复数形式“What are these/those?”“These/Those are…”辨别事物。 教学难点: What are these/those? These/Those are… Are these/those…? 课时安排: 教学内容 课时安排 A、B部分 1课时 C、D部分 1课时 Period 1 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候。 T: Good morning, Good morning, Stand up Ss: Good morning Miss kuang T: Good morning boys and girls , sit down please T: Are you happy? Now ,let’s sing a song (if you are happy) 引入本课话题。 T: I’m so happy, today we are going to learn unit4 those are eggs. (贴上标题) 3、学单词 T:Now, I will show you some surprise ,look, there are five gifts for you.(出示相关 ppt )the first gift who want to have a try? You can choice one gift from the bag. 让五位学生去寻找事先藏好的单词卡片。激发学生兴趣,让学生想学,愿意去学这五个单词宝宝(egg seagull ladybird children outing) T:Now, look at these pictures ,what’s the different with the two words?(展示单词卡片those these)鼓励学生通过观察进行回答。 Ss: 有字母e的these是这些,有字母o的those是那些的意思。 T: What’s the similar with the two words?. S: T:都表示复数, 板书单词,带读,通过开小火车、看图片等方法去记单词。并通过手势,表现these和those的区别。 展示句型: What are these/those?”“These/Those are…通过形象化的带读,熟读然后让学生根据单词句型进行对话 Step 3 Practice Now let’s to playing a game, the game name is ——Guess, guess,guess!(猜一猜) 3-4人一组进行游戏。每轮让两组学生参与,分别站在讲台两侧。教师出示单词卡片,游戏双方通过动作(叫声)等表演出来,其余学生猜表演的是什么。(游戏过程中,教师注意把握节奏,反复呈现。 (you can act it for two ways, for example:教师示范,and then, others Should to guess what are these ,ok ? now ,I give you a minute, ) T: What are these? Ss: These are birds/frogs/ladybirds/… T: What are those? Ss: those are ladybirds/dogs/birds… 分角色表演。鼓励学生运用所学词汇进行拓展。 Step 4 知识拓展、情感升华 出示一些人们伤害动物的图片,告诉学生动物是我们的朋友,我们不能伤害它们,应该保护它们。 Do homework Make a list : what is your favorite animals? Why like it? 17


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