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L7 Be held the columned peristyle and the sculptured pediment of the new Pathenon (当人们举目向雅典卫城望去),看到新落成的巴特农神庙那周围列柱的中厅和以雕刻装饰的山形墙时 L158 The Hellenophiles endowed the physical town with a marmoreal chastity ,a purity and a rationality.偏爱希腊的人们赋予物质的城镇以大理石般的纯洁、高雅和理性 L159 No pallid esthetes, no mousy bureaucrats ,produced these violent visual contrasts ,or these high intensities of color that survive today only in rock and sky and sea. 任何苍白无力的唯美主义者,任何胆小如鼠的官僚绅士,都不能创造出如此强烈鲜明对比,也不能创造出如今只存在于山岩、天空和大海中那种高强度色彩。 L17 AS it collapsed in the city as one descended from the Acropolis to the marketplace ,or picked one’s way,more by instinct than by any visible guides ,through the tangle of walled alleys and blind streets that took one to one’s destination. 正如人们从雅典卫城走下来,到街头闹市时,美感兴奋会在城市环境中崩溃一样,也像人们不顾任何明确的目标随心所欲游荡在街巷中,任这些大街小巷把自己引到什么目的地去。 P159L28 There Is no better place to confront the paradoxical relation between the mind and the body through which it expresses itself, the social body that becomes a humanized landscape or a city ,than in the Greek polis, above all in Athens. 没有任何一个地方能像希腊城邦,首先像雅典勇敢正视人类精神和社会机体二者之间复杂关系了,人类精神通过社会机体得以充分表现,社会机体变成了一片人性化了的景色。 P160 L30 The mighty rock that raised these buildings to the sky ,a rock whose blue and pink tints contrast with the marble above ,and whose craggy outlines ,even when capped by a sheer wall, contrast with the sublime geometry of the temples. 这些巨大的山岩支撑了这些建筑使之耸入云霄,这些青色和锗石色的山岩同其上方的大理石建筑形成鲜明对照,这些山岩参差不平的轮廓线,即使其顶部筑有陡峭的高墙,也同神庙建筑物壮丽的几何形体形成对照。 P161 L36 Its rocky sides were apt for defense rather than for building ;so the task of the architect was not to weaken its contours or to facilitate movement ,but to exploit the chance advantages of ledges and platforms,arranging buildings and monuments with no effort to achieve visual coherence or a climactic sequence except in the siting of the most important temple at the top. 它周围的岩石坡面很适于战争防卫而不适于建筑,因而建筑师的任务并不应去削弱它的外形轮廓,或者表现动感,而在于利用山岩上突出的部分或平坦的地方这类天然条件来安排建筑物和纪念物,并不刻意追求视觉的整体感或高潮序列的要求。 No axis,no continuity


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