Book 2 Unit One The Education I Received教学设计英语教案.doc

Book 2 Unit One The Education I Received教学设计英语教案.doc

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Book 2 Unit One The Education I Received教学设计英语教案

Unit One The Education I Received I . Aims and Requirements ⑴ Language Focus 1. Focus Words and Expressions Course, education, fair, graduate, patient, protest, solve, No point on doing sth , have a chance to do, found a university, Do one’s degree in, enjoy one’s time, go on strike, 2. Focus Functions and Patterns What university did you go to? What university did you graduated from? When did you graduated from the university What was your major? What degree are you doing at the university? II Teaching method Let the students master the main expressions through reading and learning the dialogues and passages. III Teaching tool multi-media IV Teaching processes 1. Organize the class 2. Led- in 3. Let the students read the dialogues 4. Language Points Dialogue A 谈论毕业学校: What university did you go to? I went to ………university. What university did you graduated from? I graduated from ……… 毕业时间: When did you graduated from the university? I graduated in ……… 所学专业: What was your major? My major was ……… What did you major in? I major in ……… 攻读学位: What degree are you doing at the university? I’m doing ……… 学位(degrees)的分类:(注意用an MA表示单数) 学士:B —— Bachelor 硕士:M —— Master 博士:D —— Doctor 文学学士:BA —— Bachelor of Arts 理学学士:BS —— Bachelor of Science 文学硕士:MA —— Master of Arts 理学硕士:MS ——Master of Science 工商管理硕士:MBA —— Master of Business Administration What courses did you take there? course n. 课程 take a course 选修课程,学习课程 give a course 教授课程 eg: She has taken a course in economics this term. ( 这学期她选修了一门经济学课程) Li Hua takes an English course in an evening school to improve her English. (为了提高英语水平,李华在一所夜校学英语) 2. I did an M.A. in philosophy. do 在这里表示“学习,研究… 学问”相当于study eg :She does English at a university. (她在大学学习英语) Mr. Smith does an MBA at Yale University. ( 史密斯先生在耶鲁大学攻读工商管理硕士) Dialogue B: 1. How old is the university? : When was it founded? 2. enjoy one’s time 玩的愉快 Did you enjoy your time in the summer holiday? (


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