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翻译一4.1.2 Distinguishing Practical Problems and Research ProblemsThough solving a practical problem usually requires that we solvea research problem as well, it is crucial to distinguish betweenthem, because we solve and write about them in different ways.? A practical problem is caused by some condition in theworld, from e-mail spam to terrorism, that makes us unhappybecause it costs us time, money, respect, security,pain, even our lives. You solve a practical problem by doingsomething that changes the world by eliminating the causesthat lead to its costs, or by encouraging others to do so.? A research problem is motivated not by palpable unhappiness,but by incomplete knowledge or flawed understanding.You solve it not by changing the world but by understandingit better.翻译二In a research report, your goal is not to stuff your claim downyour readers’ throats, but to start where they do, with what theyknow and don’t know, what they accept and what they question.Then you answer those questions in a way that lets readers seehow your claim solves their problem, and so furthers their bestinterests. To do that, you must anticipate their questioning eachelement of your argument, not to knock it down, but to help youboth find and understand a truth you can share. Of course, whenyou write an argument, they are usually not there to questionyou, so you must learn to imagine their questions so that yourarguments truly are a conversation with readers.翻译三Of course, if you hedge too much, you will seem timid or uncertain. But in most fields, readers are not impressed by flatfooted certainty expressed in words like all, no one, every, always, never and so on. Some teachers say they object to all hedging, but what most of them condemn are hedges that qualify every trivial claim. And some fields do tend to use fewer hedges than others. But most careful researchers in most fields know that to seem thoughtfully confident, they must express the limits of that confidence.翻译四12.4.1 Plagiaris


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