International business 国际商务 口译词汇准备.doc

International business 国际商务 口译词汇准备.doc

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International business 国际商务 口译词汇准备

customs area 关税区 sovereign state 主权国 parent company 母公司 primary commodities 初级产品 per capita income 人均收入 consignment contract 寄售合同 documentary collection 跟单托收 CFR (Cost and Freight)Value chain 价值链 per-unit 每一单位 farm produce农产品 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)Clean credit 光票信用证 open account 记账交易 business line 业务范围 汉译英 绝对利益 absolute advantage 大路货 staple goods 共同市场 common market 遵守 in compliance with 东道国 host country 关税表 tariff schedule 承兑交单 documents against acceptance 租赁贸易 leasing trade 可转让装运单据 negotiable transport document 还盘 counter-offer 运输标记 shipping marks 主要银行 leading bank 潜在损失 potential loss 保证金 margin 资金周转 capital turnover 客户流动 customer mobility 二级资本市场 secondary capital market 充分就业 full employment 特别提款权 special drawing right 私营经济 private sector 价格条款 price terms 索赔 claim 贴现率 discount rate 实盘 firm offer 复合税 compound duties 分批装运 partial shipment 交货费用forwarding charges 产品自然领域natural product provinces 空运提单 airway bill 客户流动 customer mobility 竞争性贬值competitive devaluation 存货 inventory 结关 customs clearance 无汇票信用证 non-draft credit 共同款项 pool 机构 organ 国际货币体系 international monetary system 裁决 verdict 货物原产地港口 port of origin 合资企业 joint venture 询盘 enquiry 远期信用证usance credit 借款权 borrowing power 挂牌证券交易市场 listed market 无差别待遇原则 non-discrimination principle 合同正文contract proper 提货 take delivery of 白手起家 start from scratch 保兑行 confirming bank 领事发票 consular invoice Terms Explanation 1、trade barriers : Trade barriers refer to various forms of bars to freedom, esp. of international trade. 2、purchasing power: the considerable desire to make purchase for consumption. 3、World company: World Company is the fourth type of MNEs. The national identities of this type of MNEs are blurred to a large extent. Very few companies, if any, have reached this level of internationalization. But they will be great movers of economic globalization. 4、invisible trade Invisible trade involves the exchange of services between countries. 5、GDP: G


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