2015万隆公报 Bandung Message 2015.docx

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2015万隆公报 Bandung Message 2015

Bandung Message隆公报?Strengthening South-South Cooperation to Promote World Peace and Prosperity加强南南合作,促进世界和平繁荣?The 60th Anniversary of the 1955 Asian-African Conference and the 10th Anniversary of the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership——纪念1955年亚非会议召开60周年和亚非新型战略伙伴关系建立10周年?Overall Context一、总体背景?1. We, the Leaders of the Asian-African Countries, gathered in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia on 22-24 April 2015, at the Asian-African Summit, on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the 1955 Asian-African Conference and the 10th Anniversary of the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership under the theme “Strengthening South- South Cooperation to promote World Peace and Prosperity”, in the spirit of revitalizing and enhancing our partnership.?1、我们,亚非国家领导人,于2015年4月22日至24日齐聚雅加达和万隆,举行亚非峰会,并围绕“加强南南合作,促进世界和平繁荣”主题,本着重振和加强我们的伙伴关系的精神,纪念1955年亚非会议召开60周年和亚非新型战略伙伴关系建立10周年。?2. We meet in the midst of increasingly complex global challenges. We are cognizant that, in this context, our common efforts to deal with these challenges need to focus on prosperity, solidarity, and stability.?2、当前全球性挑战日趋复杂,我们认识到,在此背景下,应对挑战的共同努力应聚焦繁荣、团结和稳定。?3. We assert our belief that the Spirit of Bandung, including on self-determination, as enshrined in the Final Communiqué of the 1955 Asian-African Conference, remains solid, pertinent and effective as a foundation for nurturing stronger relations among Asian-African countries, and continues to provide guidance to resolve regional and global issues of common concern in accordance with the relevant principles of the Charter of the United Nations.?3、我们坚信,1955年亚非会议最终公报确立的包括民族自决在内的万隆精神仍然是增进亚非国家间关系牢固、适当和有效的基石、以及根据《联合国宪章》相关原则解决共同关心的地区和全球问题的指导方针。?4. We strive to continue the significant progress in various fields in Asian and African countries. In this context, we are encouraged by the integration of Pacific Small Island Developing States into the fold of Asian cooperation frameworks, and more importantly, their importance and growing role in overcoming gl


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