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1.翻译 The Architecture of the Jumping Universe 跳跃到宇宙的建筑 How Complexity Science is Changing Architecture and Culture 多么复杂的科学在变化着建筑与文化 A new world view, influenced by current science, shows the universe to be more creative and dynamic than previously thought. 受当前科学影响的一个新的世界观,显示着比以前的想法更创造性的,更动态的思维范围。 This shift in thinking, Charles Jencks argues, is from a traditional religious perspective to a cosmogenic orientation: the view that we inhabit a self-organizing universe in which the mind and culture are understood to be not accidental but typical of its creativity. Charles Jencks辩称,这种转变思维是从传统的宗教看法到宇宙发生理论:我们居住于自组织宇宙就是把思想和文化理解为不是意外而是典型的创造力的看法的变化。 How might this view change architecture and culture? 怎样才能使这种观念变化建筑与文化呢? In this, the second edition, Jencks makes the case that the recently formulated Complexity Theory and theory of a creative cosmogenesis offer a basic answer. 在这第二版里,Jencks使这种最近制订的复合理论与创造性cosmogenesis的情况提供一个基本的答案。 Architecture might reflect the processes of the universe, its energy, its growths and sudden leaps, its beautiful twists, curls and turns; its catastrophes. 建筑可以反映宇宙的过程、能源、生成、突然跳跃、旋转、螺旋转动及其巨灾。 The book presents the basic ideas of the Sciences of Complexity and shows many buildings based on this new language by leading architects (such as Peter Eisenman, Frank Gehry and Daniel Libeskind) along with ecological and organic designs. 这本书提出了复合科学的基本理念,并显示基于由著名建筑师 (如Peter Eisenman,Frank Gehry,Daniel Libeskind) 的这种新的语言的许多建筑物以及生态和有机的设计。 Jencks own recent work is used to illustrate concepts in physics and an architecture based on waves, twists and fractals. Jencks的最近工作举例说明了在物理学和一种基于波、 曲折和分形结构的建筑的概念。 The second edition shows the movement of Nonlinear Architecture gathering momentum in different parts of the world with notable buildings completed in Australia, Japan, Germany and America. 第二版显示着在澳大利亚,日本,德国和美国This friendly polemic, in a long tradition of partisan manifestoes, both advocates and criticizes as it seeks to define a new direction for the cont


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