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经济减速Economic slowdown 突出的问题 noticeable problems 显著的效果 marked effects were achieved 越来越严重… is worsening 看见它的不多 not many have seen it. 人类 the human race 人类(定语) the human environment 取得经济效益 gain significant economic benefits 引起公正注意 catch public attention 面临…的问题 are confronted with problems 采取有效措施 take effective actions/measures 从…的角度 from the perspective of xxx 严厉打击腐败 clamp down on corruption 收取回扣 receive kickbacks 有益于 xxx is conducive to xxx 优先考虑 give priority to sth /sth takes precedence over 想办法 devise ways to 抑制价格增长 restrain price growth 缓和 mitigate, moderate 保持上升的趋势 remain on an upward trend 激烈竞争 intense competition 取得进步/在。。。方面取得进步 achieve improvements in 居民消费价格 consumer prices 没有给与应有重视 is not given due weight 勉强糊口 live a hand-to-mouth existence 面临压力 come under pressure to do 亲密,团结紧密,组织严密, a close-knit family / organization 造成/施加压力 place stress on 权力受到极大限制 authority was tightly circumscribed 进一步破坏 further undermine the situation 经不起检验/考证 can’t stand scrutiny 风险加剧 risk is mounting 规矩繁琐 the rules surrounding this are cumbersome/the rules are cumbersome 培养/输送人才 turn out talented people 精细分工 elaborate division of labor/market 取得重大科技成果 accomplish/pull off impressive scientific feats 在。。。境内 within China’s borders 国企解体 dismantling of SOEs (state-owned enterprises) 强加给 foist sth on 劳动力 workforce 过度反应 overreactions 满足国内需求 cater to domestic demand 解决/填补市场空缺 address gaps in the market 进入市场 come into the market 使经济增长 deliver economic growth 弱点非常明显 weakness is very evident 归属于/属。。。管辖 fall under the Ministry of Agriculture Discourage sb from doing sth 把。。。归因于 blame pollution for deaths from various cancers Risk more social unrest Acquire energy assets overseas Fail in these delicate tasks Pose a serious threat to To secure ever-greater supplies 1 billion tones of oil equivalent China is on its way to becoming Abundance – paucity Pose problems Prompt efforts to do sth Natural gas is at stake in these disputes 地理政治反响 geopolitical repercussions 主要能源消耗Primary energy consumption The


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