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毕 业 论 文 中 文 题 目:新农村建设中财务管理研究英文题目: Study on financial management in new rural construction 教务处新农村建设中财务管理研究摘要 新农村建设的范围的不断扩大,为我国农村经济社会的发展起了重要的推动作用。然而随着农村集体资产数量和质量得不断增加,农村财务管理复杂性日益提高,财务管理开始成为新农村研究的热点。本文首先研究了农村财务管理的概念、内容及相关理论。其次在案例分析中指出堑头社区财务管理中的管理主体不清、信息化程度不足、制度不完善、财务人员素质偏低的问题。最后提出厘清财务管理主体,加快财务管理信息化建设,完善财务预算管理制度,加强财会人员队伍建设的建议,为堑头社区以及其他新农村财务管理提供一定的借鉴。关键词:新农村 财务管理 资产管理第3、4章标题没法把堑头社区替换成新农村。直接讨论新农村建设财务管理不太好,因为目前只有对新农村描述性的定义,没有明确的新农村范围的界定。因此目前我国新农村非常多样化,既有华西村式的新农村,也有论文中堑头社区这样的新农村。 如果第3章标题直接改成新农村财务管理现状,是没办法把这个命题说好的,只能说某一类新农村财务管理怎样的问题。所以本文的题目应当是 新农村建设中财务管理的研究—以堑头社区为例。Study on financial management in new rural constructionAbstract In recent years, with the continuous development of the construction of new rural areas, the village collective assets owned by the trend of rapid growth, increasing the income of village collective assets, and community spending is also rising, the increasing complexity of collective asset management. In this context, how to manage the collective assets has become an important issue for every new countryside. Through the financial management problems by using the literature research method and case study method,This paper researches the Guangdong province Qiantou community, to discuss the concept and content of rural financial management and related theory, and for the Qiantou community in the financial management of the management main body is not clear, the degree of information system is not perfect, lack of professional, low quality of financial personnel problems and proposed to clarify the community committees and the grass-roots government responsibilities, improve the level of financial management, improve the financial budget management system, strengthen the accounting personnel construction, hoping to provide some reference for the Qiantou community and other new rural financial management.Key words: new rural financial management Qiantou community目录1引言12新农村财务管理概述12.1农村财务管理的概念12.2新农村财务管理的模式23堑头社区财务管理现状33.1堑头社区发展现状33.1.1堑头社区简介33.1.2堑头社


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