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中国大陆学生涌入英国寄宿学校 The number of students from the Chinese mainland being educated at British boarding schools is booming as their parents seek to prepare them for entry into an elite UK college or university. 由于中国大陆的父母试图使子女对进入英国的精英高校有所准备,在英国寄宿学校就读的大陆学生数量正不断攀升。 The Independent School Council (ISC), a nonprofit organization representing more than 1,200 schools, says the number of Chinese mainland students this year who have parents living abroad increased by nearly 70%, compared to five years ago when there were 3,708. 代表1200余所学校的非营利组织私立学校委员会称,今年,家长不在英国生活的大陆学生数量比5年前增长了近70%,5年前这一数字为3708。 报告显示 中国大陆学生涌入英国寄宿学校 The Chinese mainland remains the top origin of foreign pupils for a second year in a row, with 6,280 mainland students in British schools whose parents live abroad. A further 1,023 mainland students have parents living in Britain while they study, according to the latest ISC census report. 根据私立学校委员会的最新统计报告显示,中国大陆连续第二年成为英国最大的留学生来源地,在英国学校就读、父母不在英国生活的大陆学生共有6280名,还有1023名大陆学生在英国求学期间有父母陪读。 Alexander, founder of Carfax Education, which helps place foreign students at leading UK schools and universities, says fast-rising numbers of Chinese pupils at British schools reflects newly generated private wealth in China in recent years. 负责在英国领先院校安置外国学生的卡法克斯教育的创办人亚历山大表示,英国校园内中国学生人数的暴增反映了近年来中国新创造的私人财富。 Other educationalists say the popularity among Chinese families of boarding schools also reflects the caliber of the education they provide. 其他教育家表示,寄宿学校在中国家庭的流行,也反映了他们所提供的教育水平。 Wealthy Chinese parents want an education that develops their childs character, their confidence, independence, creativity, teamwork and leadership skills, which UK education is famous for, said William Vanbergen, the founder of BE Education. 必益教育的创始人范威廉表示:“处于中国富人阶级的父母,想要一个可以开发孩子性格、自信、独立、创造力、团队合作以及领导技巧的教育,而这正式英国教育闻名天下的。” 随着竞选接近尾声 希拉里已经在支持率上获得领先 HARI SREENIVASAN, PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND ANCHOR: For more analysis of the presidential race, Im joined now by NewsHour Weekend special correspondent Jeff Greenfield, who joi


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