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Internet Fraud, Scam and Crime Statistics - 2009 Statistics regarding internet scams and frauds are presented here as a snapshot in time January 2009, but below are links to archived statistics from previous years. Web crime statistics are notoriously difficult to obtain, with many sources each calculating them in a different manner and different time frame, using a different source. To provide the most reliable picture, we use the Internet Crime Complaint Centers (IC3) statistics as a baseline.? The IC3 began operation on May 8, 2000, as the Internet Fraud Complaint Center and was established as a partnership between the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. These statistics have the advantage of the FBIs expertise, but the weakness of being 1 to 2 years out of date. To overcome that we add our own tracking system statistics to update the FBI / IC3 statistics. Background The statistics for the current Top 10 frauds and scams list can be found below. A description of these scams is on this page. The greatest challenge in assembling a list and statistics of the frauds is that most fall into several categories. Consumers may characterize crime problems with an easier “broad” character, which may be misleading. For instance, a consumer that gets lured to an auction site which appears to be eBay, may later find that they were victimized through a cyber scheme. The scheme may in fact have involved SPAM, unsolicited e-mail inviting them to a site, and a “spoofed” website which only imitated the true legitimate site. The aforementioned crime problem could be characterized as SPAM, phishing, possible identity theft, credit card fraud or auction fraud. In such scenarios, many complainants have depicted schemes such as auction fraud even though that label may be incomplete or misleading. The Internet C


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