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杨昭 任勇 周鹏 尹海蛟
(天津大学热能研究所,天津 300072 )
摘 要 针对屏蔽门系统和安全门系统的不足提出了一种新的可控屏蔽门系统,结合某地铁一号线中的标准站进行了研究。
显的节能效果。全年能耗分析表明,对于屏蔽门系统采用变风量运行比定风量运行全线一年可以节省 942.48 万元,可控屏
蔽门系统则可以节省 949.20 万元,还可以得出变风量运行的可控屏蔽门系统是最节能的结论。
关键词 地铁 多功能门 变风量 活塞风
Yang Zhao Ren Yong Zhou Peng Yin Haijiao
(Thermal Energy Research Institute, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China )
Abstract In connection with the lack of the shield door sysrem and security door system, a new multi-functional door
system is to put forward, and to combine with the standard station of wuxi No.1 subway, it is to be researched. The
analysis indicate that the staff load account for the largest proportion of the large system load in air-conditioning season.
The tunnel ventilation quantity is significantly affected by the outdoor temperature, therefore, the obvious energy saving
effects are been had by using the VAV running. The annual energy consumption analysis showed that the use of VAV
running can be saved 942.48 million than the use of constant volume air running with regard to the shield door sysrem,
in regard to the multi-functional door system, it can be saved 949.20 million, and it also can be obtain that the VAV
running of multi-functional system is the most energy-saving.
Keywords Subway Multi-door VAV Piston wind
1 引言
环控系统是地铁中的重要设备系统之一,担负 进行研究,分析不同模式下环控系统的运行能耗。
着控制地下空间环境、满足事故通风要求的重要任 该地铁一号线是城市交通主轴线路之一,线路全长
务。据调研结果显示:电费占地铁运营费的 50 %左 34.842km,共设车站 26 座,其中高架站 5 座,地
右,环控系统用电又占地铁用电的 40 %以上,是地
下站 21 座。选取的标准站设备选择如表 1 所示。