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文章编号:CAR243 城市污水处理厂新资源能源综合利用系统 田磊1 史琳 1 吴静 2 施汉昌 2 ( 1、热科学与动力工程教育部重点实验室,清华大学,北京 100084 2、环境模拟与污染控制国家重点实验室,清华大学,北京,100084 ) 摘 要 城市污水处理厂是污水资源、污泥资源的集中地,将污水热能回用与污泥资源化利用在污水厂内就地结合是实现资 源综合利用的有效途径。通过将再生水源热泵技术同时应用到污水厂污泥厌氧消化流程及厂内建筑的制冷供暖,提出了污水 处理厂新资源、能源综合利用系统。再生水源热泵回收污水处理厂外排再生水所含低温余热,将其提升后满足污泥高温厌氧 消化及冬季建筑物供暖要求,同时厌氧消化工艺产出沼气,可用作污水处理过程动力;被吸取热量后温度降低的再生水(循 环水)可用于厂内建筑夏季制冷。能流分析表明,本系统可有效降低城市污水厂建筑物的制冷供暖及污泥厌氧消化处理的能 耗,再生水源热泵冷热联供系统夏季和冬季工况节能率分别可达 30%、40% 。 关键词 再生水源热泵 污水热资源化 污泥高温厌氧消化 冷热联供 Tian Lei1 Shi Lin1 Wu Jing2 Shi Hanchang2 (1 Key laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education , Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2 State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abstract Municipal wastewater treatment plant assembles sewage and sludge together, both of which should be considered available resources. Considering the plant as a whole, combining the municipal reclaimed water source heat-pump system (MRWSHP) and sludge thermophilic anaerobic digestion process, a new energy efficient joint treatment system suitable for municipal wastewater treatment plant which can achieve reutilization of sewage and sludge simultaneously is presented in the paper. In the joint treatment system, the reclaimed water source heat pump is introduced into the process of sludge digestion, which reuses the municipal reclaimed sewage as the heat source to meet the heating need in the thermophilic anaerobic digestion process. Meanwhile, the biogas generated from the sludge digestion in wastewater treatment plants is a pote


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