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挑战杯获奖作品唐海红 小学搬迁

摘 要 “百年大计,教育为本”的重点是基础教育[1],它是当前发展我国教育事业的“重中之重”。我国基础教育包括幼儿教育、小学教育、普通中等教育三个阶段,而小学教育尤为重要。自“九五 ”规划起,我国开始在全国范围内进行了轰轰烈烈的农村小学布局调整,一个推行了14年的教育改革,随着一系列“尴尬”的暴露,再度走进公众视野。无论是扩大学校规模,还是优化教育资源配置,各地方在努力达到布局调整初衷的过程中,上学难、废校利用难、学生辍学、城乡教育差距拉大等“副产品”也在不断出现。本文试图以沽源县小厂镇的小学布局调整为例,通过深入调查和深入分析小厂镇小学布局调整后遗留的种种问题,提出一些切实可行的解决方案。 关键词:农村小学 布局调整 存在问题 解决方案 Abstract Education is a cause of fundamental importance for the future of our nation. Primary education is of first and foremost priority in the process of developing current education cause in our country. Since the Ninth Five-Year Plan, a vigorous adjustment about the arrangement of rural primary schools has been put up in the whole national stage. The educational reform which has been executed for fourteen years re-enters the public sight, with a series exposure of embarrassment. In the process of achieving the goal of layout adjustment, the goal in detail, such as expanding the size of schools or optimizing the allocation of educational resources, some side effect has emerged constantly. Difficulties of school entry, difficulties of reusing abandoned schools, school dropout issues, the great gap between urban and rural areas in education, such phenomena are also on the list of side effect. This paper proposes a practical solution based on investigation and deep analysis of the problem of a primary school located at Xiaochang Town Tanggu County. KEY WORDS: Rural Primary School Layout Adjustment Existing Problem Solution 目 录 1 概述 5 1.1 问题的提出 5 1.2 研究的现状与意义 5 1.3 研究思路及方法 6 1.3.1 研究思路 6 提出问题 6 描述研究对象 6 综合分析 6 揭示存在问题 6 提出解决方案 6 1.3.2 研究方法 6 实地调查法 6 文献研究 7 1.4 有关概念的界定 7 2 沽源县小厂镇小学布局调整背景 7 2.1 宏观背景 8 2.2 当地情况 8 3 沽源县小厂镇小学布局调整的实施与结果 9 3.1 布局调整的实施 9 3.2 布局调整的结果 10 4 调整后存在问题与解决方案 11 4.1 存在的问题 11 4.1.1 上学路遥成为最大难题 11 4.1.2 租车上学加重家长负担 12 4.1.3 寄宿学校引发安全隐患 12 4.1.4 校外租房突显社会弊端 13 4.1.5 负担加重推动辍学潮流 13 4.1.6 师资缺乏造成教学障碍 13 4.1.7 资源差异导致择校风行 14 4.2 解决方案 14 4.2.1 交通补助、交通规范“两手”都要抓 14 多方筹资增加交通补助 14 规范交通减少意外伤害 15 4.2.2 强化管理、以德兴校让寄宿学校变成“家”



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