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Traffic Lights System based on the ARM Embedded System
Student: Guide Teacher:
Abstract:With the prevalence of mobile devices and development of embedded systems has become a hot spot. It is not a recent emergence of new technology, just as micro-electronics technology and the development of computer technology, micro-chip control functions more and more, and control of micro-chips embedded in the equipment and systems more and more, making the technology more Reply People attention. Hardware and software of its size, cost, power consumption and reliability have made stringent requirements. Embedded systems function more powerful, and more and more complicated, then there is the reliability greatly reduced. A recent trend is a powerful embedded systems usually need a operating system to support the operating system is already mature and stable, can be embedded Linux, WINCE, and so on. This paper is to study under the ARM embedded system’s the system of traffic lights design and implementation. This design uses Philipss 32 as the LPC2138 ARM microprocessor core processors.
Keywords:Embedded Systems,ARM,LPC2138,traffic lights
1 引言 - 4 -
2 相关内容及原理 - 5-
3 设计方案 - 6 -
3.1 设计思路 - 6 -
3.2 总体设计框图 - 6 -
4 硬件设计 - 8 -
4.1 LPC2138芯片介绍及设计 - 8 -
4.2 LPC2138芯片最小系统硬件设计 - 9 -
4.3 系统电源电路设计 - 10 -
4.4 晶振与复位电路 - 10-
4.5 LED循环显示设计 - 10-
4.6 数码管倒计时显示硬件设计 - 11 -
4.7 蜂鸣器设计 - 12 -
5 软件设计 - 14-
5.1 交通灯控制软件流程图 - 14 -
5.2 ARM交通灯模拟控制程序设计 - 15 -
6 运行测试结果 16
7 设计心得体会及总结 - 18 -
参考文献 - 19 -
附录 - 20 -
交通信号灯指挥着人和各种车辆的安全运行,实现红、黄、绿灯的自动指挥是城乡交通管理现代化的重要课题.在城乡街道的十字交叉路口,为了保证交通秩序和行人安全,一般在每条道路上各有一组红、黄、绿交通信号灯,其中红灯亮,表示该条道路禁止通行; 黄灯亮,表示该条道路上未过停