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电梯运行的智能算法设计 摘 要 本文研究了关于电梯智能控制算法,提出了智能动态阶梯模型,在提高电梯运送效率的同时,针对一般新型电梯设计中所经常被忽视的乘客舒适度进行研究,使得在舒适度方面得到大大的改善。这项研究对于打破国外各大公司的电梯控制技术垄断,支援目前国内所不多见的具有自主知识产权的电梯控制系统有重大的意义。 在智能电梯控制算法的设计中,本文的作者根据对日常生活的仔细观察,结合自身的逻辑思考,提出了智能动态阶梯模型。在智能动态阶梯模型中,电梯的控制系统自动根据乘客的乘坐信息,包括出发点、目的地、人数等,将乘客分流为从近到远的多级分类,使得乘客对电梯的利用达到更优的效果。本文的作者采用的是Adobe公司开发的编程语言ActionScript 3.0以及Adobe Flash CS4加上FlashDevelop 3开发环境。该语言和开发环境在图形图像上的处理比其它语言较为优秀,在动态显示电梯运行状态有较佳的效果。虽然ActionScript 3.0主要运行在个人微型计算机以及智能移动设备上,采用ActionScript无法直接应用到工业芯片中,但拥有算法的核心思想,用其它语言开发出工业版本是非常容易的。 相较于国内其它类似于全盘统计的算法,该方案在降低计算机运算负担起到一定的作用。从仿真看,智能电梯控制算法模型非常好地实现了预期效果,对日常生活中的电梯频繁加速减速、路程较远的乘客得不到最佳速度、完全以命令先后定策略的现象有较好的解决。 关键词:电梯控制 算法 大厅呼叫 ActionScript3.0 距离 ABSTRACT This paper a study on the elevator intelligent control algorithm, the intelligent dynamic Ladder in Tigao elevator delivery efficiency, while for the general new elevator in the design process often overlooked passenger comfort 进行 researches make in the comfort are much improved . The study abroad for major companies to break the technological monopoly of the elevator control, the rare domestic support with independent intellectual property rights of the elevator control system has great significance. Elevator control algorithms in intelligent design, the author of this article, based on careful observation of everyday life, combined with their own logical thinking, put forward an intelligent dynamic Ladder. Intelligent dynamic ladder model, the elevator control system automatically according to passenger travel information, including the starting point, destination, size, etc., will divert passengers away from the past to the multi-level classification, making use of passenger elevators achieve more excellent effect. The author of this paper is used in programming language developed by Adobe, and Adobe Flash CS4 ActionScript 3.0 with FlashDevelop 3 development environment. The language and development environment in the graphic image on a good deal more than other languages, running in a dyn


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