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多功能自行车里程表软件设计 摘 要 本文介绍的速度与里程表设计以单片机最小系统和霍尔传感器为核心。利用89C51单片机设计一种基于Proteus环境下51单片机的多功能自行车里程表要求该表具有实时时钟、自行车行驶瞬时速度、平均速度、超速报警、累计总里程等计量功能,可通过切换显示,提供给用户安全行驶的一些基本信息89C51单片机;LCD数码管显示器;累计里程;速度;霍尔传感器 Abstrsct The paper introduces the odometers in SCM design speed and the minimum system as the core and the hall sensors. Use a method based on 89C51 design under the environment of 51 SCM Proteus multifunctional bicycle with real-time clock the odometers requirements, bicycle, average speed driving instantaneous velocity, alarm, accumulative total of total mileage by switching function, can show different speeds, sensor into a different frequency pulse signal input to the MCU control and calculation, again USES LED module that makes the speed of electric bicycle with mileage data can be intuitive show users, to give users the safe driving some basic information. This system consists of hall sensors, RC filter circuits and single-chip microcomputer AT89C51, systematic LED digital display module, data storage tube control circuit and keyboard. One hall sensor signal amplifier and waveform containing plastic. The signal enlarged aim is to reduce signal amplitude treat requirements, Waveform conversion and waveform plastic circuit is used to convert the signal can be amplified with single-chip connected TTL signal, Through the microcontroller timer Settings can make internal T1 on foot T0 input pulses, thus can accurately calculate T0 added to the foot unit time detected pulse count, In the design that USES LED module, the speed of mileage conversion speed by using the I2C bus E2PROM to store, and save for the mouth of SCM and peripheral devices, also simplifies shows part of the software programming. This paper first needed to design the odometers in detail, equipment for the problems existing in the design of explains, Then the part of hardware and software design and realization of the earnest analysis, Then presented system modeling process and


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