Atomic Model Timeline:原子模型的时间线.ppt

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Atomic Model Timeline:原子模型的时间线

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Atomic Model Timeline 400BC Democritus Democritus found that atoms are not all the same, they are eternal, and always moving. He made a theory on this to explain why and how atoms were so small, and what they were about. He proposed a more advance atomic theory. /images/philosophers/democritus.jpg 400BC ish Indivisible, Solid Sphere Model Developed by Democritus. He said all matter is composed of indivisible tiny things made up into small not being able to be seen by the eye structures. 384-322BC Aristotle and fellow Greeks He found that matter is made of atoms. He also found that matter will always exist. He also found 4 elements, fire, water, earth, and air. With all this, he came up with the theory of motion. /authors/aristotle.jpg 500BC-1720 Alchemists Now, they wanted to live forever, so they started out with trying to make a potion that could make them live forever. They didn’t succeed, but they did make many experiments, and the scientific method. They also kept careful records. 1777 Antoine Lavoisier He had the first version of the Law of Conservation of Matter. He also named oxygen and hydrogen. He invented the first periodic table, which had 33 elements. /Lexikon/lavoisi.JPG 1780 Charles Augustin de Coulomb He had the theory of Simple Machines. He also had Coulomb’s law which stated the interaction between electric charges. He also published the laws of friction. He used windmills and the elasticity of fibers and metals to come up with this law. 1803 John Dalton He proposed the atomic theory. He inferred proportions of elements in compounds. He found the atomic weight, and chemical symbols. He also had the most useful atomic theory of matter. To come up with this, he tested gases and used evaporation to find out what the gases had on that mixture all together. .mx/redescolar/efemerides/septiembre2001/interna/dalton.gif 1879


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