CHEMICAL EQUATIONS - pcmac:化学方程式- pcmac.ppt

CHEMICAL EQUATIONS - pcmac:化学方程式- pcmac.ppt

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CHEMICAL EQUATIONS - pcmac:化学方程式- pcmac

CHEMICAL EQUATIONS REACTANTS = PRODUCTS TERMS Reactants = the starting substances Products = substances formed during the reaction. Catalyst = a substance used to speed up, slow down, or lower activation energy required to begin a reaction, without loosing its own identity. Chemical Reaction A process in which at least one new substance is produced as a result of chemical change. A Chemical Reaction Reactants Products Writing a Chemical Equation Chemical symbols give a “before-and-after” picture of a chemical reaction Reactants Products MgO + C CO + Mg magnesium oxide to form carbon monoxide reacts with carbon and magnesium A. Balancing Steps 1. Write the unbalanced equation. 2. Count atoms on each side. 3. Add coefficients to make #s equal. Coefficient ? subscript = # atoms 4. Reduce coefficients to lowest possible ratio, if necessary. 5. Double check atom balance!!! A Balanced Chemical Equation Same numbers of each type of atom on each side of the equation Al + S Al2S3 Not Balanced 2Al + 3S Al2S3 Balanced B. Balancing Example Aluminum and copper(II) chloride form copper and aluminum chloride. EQUATIONS Word: Water + Sodium Chloride yields Hydrochloric acid and diSodium Oxide Skeleton : H2O + NaCl ? HCl + NaO Balance the equation: H2O +2 NaCl ? 2HCl + Na2O 2H ;1O ;2Na ;2Cl = 2H; 2Cl ;2Na ;1O Left side must = right side Balance Equations with Coefficients Coefficients in front of formulas balance each type of atom 4NH3 + 5O2 4NO + 6H2O 4 N = 4 N 12 H = 12 H 10 O = 10 O Matter Is Conserved H2 + Cl2 2 HCl + + Total atoms = Total atoms 2 H, 2 Cl 2H, 2 Cl Total Mass = Total Mass 2(1.0) + 2(35.5) 2(36.5) 73.0 g = 73.0 g Law of Conservation of Mass In any ordinary chemical reaction, matter is not created


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