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摘 要 ⑴泰国学生最常用的口语学习策略是迂回策略、交流求助策略、选择注意策略、计划组织策略、利用资源策略;最不常使用的是鼓励自己策略、自我监控策略、创造利用环境策略、流利性策略、与人交流学习感受策略。⑵中级水平的学生比初级水平学生更常使用口语学习策略。⑶华裔与非华裔学生在认知策略的使用上存在显著差异。⑷21-27岁组更常使用口语学习策略,16-20岁组倾向于迂回策略和情感策略。⑸在华学生倾向于元认知策略和社交策略;在泰学生更常用认知策略和情感策略。 关键词: 泰国学生 汉语口语学习策略 对比研究 Abstract In this Paper,the study investigates Chinese speaking Learning strategies of Thai students by means of questionnaires and interviews. And 27 Thai students in the overseas educated college of Xiamen University, and 30 language learners in mae fah luang University of Thailand .The comparative study involves four facoters, chinese level , ages, foreign citizen of Chinese origin and the main environment of chinese study. Based on the results of this study ,we want to give some advises to help Thai students and Chinese teachers . This paper is divided into 5 chapters.Chapter1 introduces the currents situation of the studies on Chinese learning stratigies, and the significance of comparative study on choosing the four factors. Chapter 2 discusses the learning stratigies definition, and the main research on Chinese speaking strategies studying inside and abroad,summarizing the revelation from the results of those researches. Chapter3 is about the questionnaire designation and data collection process of this study. Though statistic and analysis the data using SPSS13.0, the results are discussed and summarized. Chapter 4 summarizes the inspiration on Chinese speaking study and teaching from the results , points out the limitations ,and the further research . Results from the study reveal that⑴the using frequency of strategies is : compensation strategies, communication strategies, special attention strategies, planning strategies and resourse using strategies. the using infrequency of strategies is:encouraging strategies, supervising strategies, envornment using strategies, fluency strategies and feeling communication strategies.⑵In the using of Chinese speaking learning strategies, the Thai students of intermedia



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