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MBA Introductory Training The Art of Consulting October 2000 Learning Objectives a greater understanding of how the firm will evaluate your performance and the implications for what you need to do and how you need to do it a greater awareness of what you can expect when you arrive on a project and an understanding of how you can contribute new (or refreshed) skills for data gathering and interviewing a preliminary personal development plan for the next 6-12 months Agenda Welcome and Introduction Warm-up Activity: “Traits of an effective PwC consultant …” Roles Responsibilities of a Consultant Project Overview Framework Table discussions -- “Consultant Critical Success Factors/Behaviors …” Break Data Gathering Interviewing Break Personal Development Planning Framework Individual planning Summary and Closing Activity Table Discussions -- “What recommendations would you have for next year’s MBAs?” Warm-up Warm-up Activity -- Class-wide What behaviors do you associate with an effective PwC consultant? Roles Responsibilities of a Consultant Simply stated, the objective of our consulting practice is to improve the performance our clients, while generating profits and enhancing staff capabilities The need to balance the demands of the firm, clients, and staff can at times require making a series of tradeoffs For the firm to be successful, it must be able to do three things well -- develop staff, market and execute projects The roles and responsibilities of a consultant can be grouped into the same three categories -- these responsibilities remain constant throughout one’s career, although the underlying tasks will shift Level 3 Consultants have a range of recruiting, skill development, and knowledge transfer responsibilities Energetically participate in recruiting events Identify high-potential candidates through personal contacts, networking, resumes Deliver clear, well structured, case-based interviews Sell PwC to prospective employees Maintain a “curre


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