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基于PLC的花样喷泉控制系统设计 摘 要 中国幅员辽阔,地形丰富多样,无论南北、东西,都不乏江河湖泊,水资源丰富。随着国民经济的恢复和发展,人民生活水平的提高,一些城市的城建、园林主管部门在城市建设、改造的过程中,以及环境的美化和文化氛围的营造上对喷泉提出了求新的要求在喷泉得到广泛应用的过程中,也出现了一些问题和不足,如自动化水平低下、高能耗等制约了喷泉行业的发展。因此,提高喷泉控制系统的自动化水平,保证喷泉效果,节约喷泉运行成本,对我国喷泉行业具有重大的现实意义。 使用PLC 控制花式喷泉,具有使用方便、运行可靠、控制程序设计简单等优点。用梯形图方法编程,可以使设计思路清晰,编程简便。若需要改变喷水花样和喷水时间,设计方案不必作很大调整,只要把控制程序作相应的修改,即可实现控制目的。 本论文详细介绍了喷泉控制系统工程要求,并根据工程要求,基于PLC对控制系统进行总体设计,提出控制系统方案:论文详细描述了各部分的功能。根据控制方案和现场设备的控制要求,对下位机控制系统进行硬件配置和软件设计。PLC作为主控单元,论文对其型号选择、I/O设计、外部硬件连线等进行了详细介绍,采用顺序控制方法设计了系统的工作流程图和PLC程序。 关键字:花样喷泉;控制系统;PLC !!所有下载了本文的注意:本论文附有CAD图纸和完整版最终设计,凡下载了本文的读者请留下你的联系方式(QQ邮箱),或加我百度用户名QQ,我把图纸发给你。最后,希望此文能够帮到你! ABSTRACT China is a vast country, rich and varied terrain, both North and South, East and West are many rivers and lakes, is rich in water resources. With the national economic recovery and development, peoples living standards, a number of urban cities, in the garden department in charge of urban construction, the process of transformation, as well as to beautify the environment and cultural atmosphere of the fountain of the demands put forward innovative widely used in the fountain of the process, there have been some problems and deficiencies, such as the low level of automation, high-energy consumption industries, such as restricting the development of the fountain. Therefore, improving the fountain level of automation control systems to ensure that the fountain effect, saving the cost of running the fountain, the fountain of our industry is of great practical significance. PLC to control the use of fancy fountain, with easy to use, reliable operation and design of control procedures simple. Programming using ladder methods, design ideas can make a clear, simple programming. If need to change the water pattern and water time, the design of adjustment programs do not have to be great, as long as the control procedures be amended accordingly, to achieve the control purpose. In this paper, details of fountain control systems engineering


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