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摘 要 新视野眼镜店是黑龙江新视野眼镜公司在重庆忠县新开的第一家连锁眼镜店,由于刚刚进入忠县市场,眼镜店知名度较小。面对激烈的市场竞争,新视野眼镜店的营销策略已经成为其能否在忠县市场上持续稳定发展的最重要影响因素,因此对新视野眼镜店的营销策略进行研究具有非常重要的现实意义。 本文以重庆忠县新视野眼镜店为研究对象,结合相关的市场营销理论,其目前市场营销策略的现状和其中存在的问题,并提出了。第一部分主要就论文中涉及的营销策略理论进行介绍第二部分主要的概况第四部分是营销策略现状及存在问题分析;第五部分提出了的营销对策。New Horizons Opticians was Heilongjiang New Horizons Glasses Company’s first new chain in Chongqing Zhongxian, because just entered Zhongxian market the optician had little popularity. Facing the fierce market competition, the New Horizons Opticians marketing strategy had become the most important factors if it can get steady and continuous development in Zhongxian market, thus the opticians marketing strategy research had very important practical significance. Taking Chongqing Zhongxian’s New Horizons Optician as research object, combining the opticians related marketing theory, this paper took a new vision of the opticians current marketing strategy, discussing the present situation of the marketing strategy and the existing problems were analyzed and studied, and then put foreword to the corresponding countermeasures, and hope for giving a beneficial offer for the optician. This paper included five parts, the first part introduced the theory of marketing strategy, the second part mainly introduced Zhongxian New Horizons Opticians general situation, the third part of Zhongxian New Horizons Opticians marketing environment were analyzed in detail, the fourth part was Zhongxian New Horizons Opticians current situation of the marketing strategy and analysis of the existing problems, the fifth part proposed Zhongxian New Horizons Opticians marketing countermeasures. Key words: marketing strategy; marketing environment; market positioning; channel integration 目 录 引 言 1 1 营销策略理论概述 2 1.1 目标市场策略 2 1.2 市场定位策略 3 1.3 市场竞争策略 4 1.4 营销组合策略 5 2 忠县新视野眼镜店概况 6 2.1 忠县新视野眼镜店简介 6 2.2 产品介绍 7 3 忠县新视野眼镜店营销环境分析 9 3.1 宏观环境分析 9 3.1.1 人口环境 9 3.1.2 经济环境 9 3.2 微观环境分析 10 3.2.1 消费者分析 10 3.2.2 竞争者分析 12 3.2.3 SWOT分析 13 4



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