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CHAPTER 7 THE IDEALISTIC WING OF CONFUCIANISM: MENCIUS 第七章 儒家的理想主义派:孟子ACCORDING to the Historical Records (ch. 74), Mencius (371 ?-289 ? B.C.) was a native of the state of Tsou, in the present southern part of Shantung province in East China. He was linked with Confucius through his study under a disciple of Tzu-ssu, who in turn was Confucius grandson. At that time, the Kings of Chi, a larger state also in present Shantung, were great admirers of learning. Near the west gate of their capital, a gate known as Chi, they had established a center of learning which they called Chi-hsia, that is, (below Chi. )All the scholars living there were ranked as great officers and were honored and courted by having large houses built for them on the main road. This was to show to all the pensioned guests of the feudal lords that it was the state of Chi that could attract the most eminent scholars in the world. (Ibid.)《史记》记载,孟子(公元前371?一前289?年)是邹(今山东省南部)人。他从孔子的孙子子思的门人学习儒家学说。当时的齐国(也在今山东省)是个大国,有几代齐王很爱好学术。他们在齐国首都西门——稷门附近,建立一个学宫(学术中心),名叫“稷下”。稷下学者“皆命曰列大夫,为开第康庄之衢,高门大屋,尊宠之。览天下诸侯宾客,言齐能致天下贤士也。”(《史记·孟子荀卿列传》)Mencius for a while was one of these eminent scholars, but he also traveled to other states, vainly trying to get a hearing for his ideas among their rulers. Finally, so the Historical Records tell us, he retired and with his disciples composed the Mencius in seven books. This work records the conversations between Mencius and the feudal lords of his time, and between him and his disciples, and in later times it was honored by being made one of the famous Four Books, which for the past one thousand years have formed the basis of Confucian education.孟子一度是稷下的著名学者之一。他也曾游说各国诸侯,但是他们都不听从他的学说。他最后只好回来与弟子们作《孟子》七篇。这部书记载了孟子与诸侯、与弟子的谈话。《孟子》后来被推祟为“四书”之一,“四书”是近千年来儒家教育的基础。Mencius represents the idealistic wing of Confucianism, and the somewhat later Hsün Tzu the realistic wing. The meaning of this will become clear as we go on.孟子代表儒家的理想主义的一翼,稍晚的荀子代表儒家的现实主义的一翼。这样说是什么意思,往下就可以明白。The Goodness