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Sample test reports from the lab in Yunfu on product samples 印花样板洗水测试 Washing test for printing 印花升华测试 5.14 Color Migration Test for Prints 成衣洗水测试 Washing Test for Garment 布料及成衣升華測試5.15 Color Migration Test for fabric and Garment 测试表格Test Report 一 .印花样板洗水测试 (washing test for prints) 印花样板包括丝网印花和转移印花,印花样板洗水测试分开发阶段的洗水测试和产前板的洗水测试。 (一)开发阶段的洗水测试Washing test of development (二)大货产前样板洗水测试 Washing test for bulk production 所有大货印花样板都必須在大货开印前进行洗水测试,而在洗水测试中被判定为不合格的样板,不可以投产开印.必须查明原因,重新复板再做洗水测试,直至合格,才可以投产开印。 Quality Requirement 出具测试报告Test Report 二.印花升华测试 5.14 Color Migration Test for Prints (Oven Test)  為了能更好的達到客戶標准,滿足客戶要求,所有深顏色的布料上印有淺顏色的印  花,都必須非常巖格的作其顏色升華測試 Purpose 目的 To determine the color migration of fabrics into white or light colored prints, during transportation or storage.   测试经运输及儲藏后,布料的颜色是否染到浅色/白色的印花上. Apparatus 设备  Drying oven with adjustable temperature and timer   可调温度和时间的烤箱Test Method:测试方法 Put the test specimen ( print applied to the original fabric)   flat into the oven. Adjust the temperature to 70 degree and leave the specimen in the oven for 48 hours.   将烤箱的温度调至70度,将样板平放于烤箱并放置48小时.  Requirement / Evaluation by: 评价参数 Minimum requirement : Color change at Grade 4-5 or better (4-5 级或更好)   Evaluation by   Grey scale for color change : 共有四种灰尺 DIN 54001 ; ISO 105-A05 ; SNV 195805 ; AATCC 1 出具测试报告Test Report 三,成衣洗水(adidas 方法) Garment Wash adidas method (7.01 /7.02測試法) Purpose: To determine the dimensional change and appearance of woven and knitted garments after home laundering 目的:测试针织、梭织成衣家庭洗涤后尺寸及外观变化 Principle:原理 This test is intended to give an overall view of durability and stability of a garment under washing conditions, as would be used and seen by the consumer. Each garment test should be tested according to the (order region) or selling region. 全面测试成衣在一定条件下洗涤后的稳定性及耐用性,边同样这将是消费者使用时将用到和看到的。 每件成衣应按销往不同地区的洗水标来测试。一般分為歐洲單和美州單, 测试报告Test Report Test method Prepare a 4cmx 10cm sample from e


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