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0308托福试题 听力: 1 (a)She has completed her project (b)She needs some help finishing the project (c)Her economics class no longer meets (d)The man should not touch the project until it is finished 2 (a) He disagrees with the woman (b)He has a lot of experience listening to others (c ) He can keep a secret (d) He has several younger brothers and sisters 3 (a) She has already seen the movie (b) She doesn’t like to go to the movies (c )She hasn’t seen Mary recently (d) Mary didn’t ask her to go to the movies 4 (a) Use cream on her rash (b)See if her rash improves in a few days (c) Check out a medical book from the library (d) See a doctor about her rash 5 (a) He’s usually a good dancer (b) He’s embarrassed about the photograph (c ) He didn’t enjoy the party (d) He hasn’t seen the photograph 6 (a) She prefers to stay indoors during the summer (b) She doesn’t agree with the man (c) Too much hot weather can be unpleasant (d) The weather is supposed to get even hotter 7 (a) Dry his clothes for another fifteen minutes (b)Inspect the dryer for damage (c ) Take this clothes out of the dryer (d) Wash his clothes again 8 (a) He likes the music class (b) The woman missed the deadline (c )It may still be possible to drop the class (d) He doesn’t plan to take music 9 (a)She has decided not to go to Florida (b)Her plans aren’t definite (c) Her friend just returned from Florida (d)She prefers to travel without her friend 10 (a)The costumes weren’t as good as the s scenery (b) The scenery could have been more realistic (c ) She wishes she had seen the play (d) The actors in the play weren’t students 11 (a) He didn’t know the book was a best-seller (b) He’s becoming more interested in the book (c ) He’s on his way to the bookstore (d) He has just finished the book 12 (a) She’d rather do another puzzle (b)She doesn’t have time for puzzles (c ) She’d like a chance to solve the puzzle (d) She’s not as good at puzzles as the man 13 (a)Revise the report (b)Go to a


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