韩国介绍 中英文 泡菜文档.ppt

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韩国介绍 中英文 泡菜文档

韩国 Republic of Korea Introducing the repubic of Korea Over 48,500 million people live in South Korea, on a peninsula slightly less than twice the size of Nova Scotia. South Korea is surrounded by seas on three sides, bordering North Korea, and neighboured by People's Republic of China, Russia and Japan. Applied Arts have developed hand in hand with traditions, new political structures and technologies on a global scale. Until recently, especially in rural areas, there have been no major changes in Korean family type. Traditionally, Korea is a stem family, including old parents and one couple with their offspring residing together in a single domestic unit. Couples who live together with their parents are usually the eldest son and his wife. Traditional Confucian ethics continues to dominate Korean's lifestyle and attitudes toward family and life. Over 50% of Koreans practice a religion. Buddhists and Protestants, respectively, make up about 20% of the population. Catholics make up 4% of the population. Thus, 25% of the population are Christian. It is said that there are more practicing Korean shaman than Christian priests. Traditional Korean shamanism reflects diverse folk beliefs that continue to contribute to unique Korean contemporary spirit and culture. Since the 1960's, Korea has enjoyed a remarkable extended period of high economic growth. Within a single generation, the country has escaped the vicious cycle of poverty while achieving modern industrialization. 韩国的名人和美食 新罗时代的金庾信, 高丽时代的李奎报, 朝鲜时代的世宗王,闵妃,金弘道,申润福,李粟谷,李陶山,李舜臣,黄真伊,申师任堂, 还有日战时期的金素月,柳宽顺,金九The?age?of?the?essay?first?combines?yu?xin?rochelle?gold,?The?age?of?the?Korean?LiKui?quote,?The?age?of?the?north?Korea?ShiZong?king,?MinFei,?JinHong?way,?ShenRunFu,?LiSu?valley,?LiTao?mountain,?LiShunChen,?HuangZhenYi,?"teacher?RenTang,?And,?in?the?period?of?the?war?JinSu?month,?LiuKuan?shun,?gold?nine 牛肠火锅??,??鲍鱼粥??,?泥鳅汤?,?牛排汤??,?山菜定食?,??泡菜煎饼?,?酱蟹肉?,?包饭套餐??,泡菜火锅??,?石锅拌饭?,牛蹄筋汤??,章鱼火锅??,?清炖鸡,?营养石锅饭?,?什锦菜.? Cattle


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