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毕业论文 题 目 中国酒店业薪酬状况及对策建议 学 院 酒店管理学院 专 业 旅游管理 班 级 旅游0803 学 生 王超 学 号 20081401062 指导教师 白彩云 二〇一 年 月 日 摘 要 薪酬在酒店业的发展过程中发挥着非常重要的作用。本文首先介绍了薪酬和薪酬管理的基本概念,分析了大环境下薪酬的发展背景,薪酬的构成及其发展目标,以及完善的薪酬体系下产生的积极影响。同时分析了中国酒店业的薪酬状况,中国的薪酬发展已初具规模,不同地区,不同岗位,不同星级,不同类型的酒店以及员工不同学历、不同工作年限的酒店的薪酬状况和差距。同时在分析酒店薪酬的同时发现了中国酒店薪酬中存在的问题,如:酒店对薪酬重视及对员工的薪酬激励不够,薪酬体系不合理,同工不同酬,薪酬差距较大等。针对这些问题,提出了一系列解决措施,例如:国家政策的支持,提高酒店战略意识,加强酒店战略管理,酒店薪酬与市场接轨,加大员工培训力度,完善酒店福利制度等。通过对薪酬的分析,完善薪酬体系,加强薪酬管理,实现酒店发展效益的最大化。 关键词:酒店薪酬;薪酬管理;发展状况;对策 ABSTRACT In this paper you can see. Remuneration plays a very important role in the development process in the hotel industry. This paper first introduces the basic concepts of the remuneration and compensation management. Analysis the remuneration of the development of background, Remuneration of the composition and its development goals, and Positive impact under the remuneration system. Analysis the remuneration situation of the hotel industry in China. The remuneration Development has begun to take shape. Different regions, different positions, different stars, different types of hotel and hotels employees of different qualifications, different work experience pay status and gaps. Found that the problems in the Chinese hotel pay at the same time in the analysis of hotel pay. Such as: Support of national policy, to improve the hotel strategic awareness, strengthening of hotel strategic management, Hotel remuneration with the market, Intensify staff training, hotels welfare system. Maximize the hotel effective. Key words:Hotel remuneration; Compensation management; Development; Countermeasure 目 录 摘要…………………………………………………….………..…….….……………..I ABSTRACT…………………….……………….……………………..…..………….II 一、前言................………….………….………………………....….……...…..….……….1 二、酒店薪酬的概述...................….……………………….…………….…..….………….2


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