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The Stock Market Aim of learning: In this unit, learners are expected to : --learn the business terms and expressions concerning securities ; --the business concepts concerning securities and their trading ; -- understand how to describe corporate performance according to the changes in its stock price. Time required: 6 hours KEY VOCABULARY A company can raise money on the stock market (股票市场)or stock exchange (证券交易所) (a market place for buying and selling shares) in two different ways. It can issue shares (发行股票)(US stocks), or units of its capital(单位资本), to institutional investors (机构投资者)or the general public. Different types of shares or equities(股份、股票) are available, but the most common are known as ordinary or common shares(普通股) (US common stock). When an investor buys a share, using the services of a specialist company (专业公司—证券公司) or broker(证券经纪人), he or she becomes a shareholder ( 股东) (US stockholder) and owns a part of (or has a stake股本 in) a company. Shareholders can make money by receiving dividends(红利), paid as a proportion of a company‘s annual profits(年利润), and when the value of their shares increases. A company can also borrow money from investors by issuing bonds(债券), loans for fixed periods (固定期限)with fixed interest rates(固定利率). Securities (有价证券) refers to both shares and bonds. Each year billions of shares and bonds are sold or traded(交易) on the worlds major stock exchanges. Lead in Many companies are authorised (授权)to use the stock exchange (证券/股票交易所) to trade their shares. Every day, the press gives prices and other information about the shares of these listed companies( 上市公司) . Read the newspaper headlines on page 77. In groups, decide whether each one reflects a good or poor performance (业绩) of the companys shares on the stock exchange. Example: GENERAL CINEMA SEES $20 MILLION GAIN The shares of this company are doing well since there has been a gain. 2. You will hea


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