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* These are general coatings pigments, the best known of which is titanium dioxide, which is used for the manufacture of all white paints. They are found in nature generally in the form of earths or minerals. Apart from titanium dioxide, the commonest pigments are: * Lithopone (30% zinc sulphide and 70% barium sulphate). * Zinc oxide. * Antimony oxide (no longer used for environmental reasons). * Iron oxide (yellows, reds, blacks). * Chrome yellows (with a base of lead chromate, with tones ranging from greenish to reddish). * Cadmium yellows (no longer used for environmental reasons). * Zinc yellows (rust-resistant). * Molybdate orange (with a base of molybdate sulphated lead). * Chrome greens. * Prussian blue. * Metallic flakes have been used in paints as pigments for many years, to give a sparkle to the finish. A characteristic of metallic finishes is that they give differing colours on the face tone and the flop tone. * Mica / Pearl pigments consist of a small flake of lamellar mica, which is coated with a thin layer of a metal oxide of high refractive index. The most commonly used oxide is Titanium Dioxide. * With mica pigments, multiple reflections of light can be observed in a transparent film. Such as X and Y above. It is these multiple reflections that give the pearlescent effect within a paint film. * There are 2 types of pearl pigments: 1) Interference pigments: (with TiO 2 metal oxide) The resulting interference colours depend on the TiO 2 layer thickness. 2) Combination of TiO 2 with an additional coating. - The additional coating is a coloured metal oxide such as iron oxide (Fe 2O3) or chrome oxide (Cr2O3). - This type of pearl pigments gives both interference and absorption colours. * * * * * * * * 2.8 檢驗 對產品進行全檢。 良品由品管抽檢后待出貨﹐不良品收集報廢。 2.9 包裝 將全檢后的良品收集到相應的包裝盤中﹐并按SOP規定的包裝數量裝好,便于產品運輸及存放 三.涂裝治具簡介 治具﹕ 支撐﹐定位工件的一種裝置﹐如超音波治具\檢測治具\烤漆治具等 烤漆治具﹕ 對烤漆產品起支撐﹐定位﹐遮蔽作用的治具 烤漆治具材料﹕ 金屬﹐非金屬﹐塑膠﹑橡膠等 烤漆治具的功能﹕ 1.支撐\定位烤漆產品 2.



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