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1 苹果公司的分销渠道研究 中文摘要 在当今市场环境下分销渠道的设计、管理以及分销渠道模式的选择成为了现代企业构建核心竞争力的决定因素。从1976年成立至今苹果公司的起步发展高潮低谷以及再起都是整个世界企业运营的模板而作为其核心的分销战略在其整个至今的运营过程中扮演着重要的角色。在产品、价格甚至促销同质化趋势加剧的今天越来越多的企业发现单凭产品的独特优势赢得竞争已非常困难。那么苹果又是怎么通过设立和管理它的分销渠道来提高企业的竞争力是本文的研究重点。 Under the current market environment the design and management of distribution channels serve as determinants in constructing modern enterprises’ core competitiveness. And the same is the case with the choice of distribution channel model. From its establishment in 1976 to now Apple’s start development prosperity nadir and renewal can be a guide to the operation of worldwide enterprises. Distribution strategy as its core has played an important role in the whole process of Apple’s operation till now. Nowadays when there has been an increasingly fierce competition among homogeneous products prices and even promotions more and more enterprises come to realize that it is very difficult to win the competition only by the unique advantages of products. Therefore the focus of this thesis is on how Apple established and managed the distribution channels in order to improve its competitiveness. 从另外一方面说其他IT类企业是如何制定和管理他们的分销渠道他们与苹果公司的共同点与不同点以及同类型企业分销渠道对苹果公司的影响。这些比较既是对IT行业分销渠道的研究又是对苹果公司能够脱颖而出独领风骚的原因的分析。 From another perspective this thesis also puts emphasis on how other IT enterprises establish and manage their distribution channels the similarity and differences between these enterprises and Apple as well as the impact that similar enterprises’ distribution channels bring to Apple. These comparisons are not only the studies of distribution channels in IT industries but also the analysis of the reason why Apple can stand out and become unmatched in severe market competition. 另外本文从苹果公司产品为入手点分销商为核心对其公司的分销渠道进行研究。分析将着眼于苹果公司产品环境以及未来可能出现的变化。最后根据资料总结苹果公司的成功原因和面临的问题并提出可能的解决方案。 In addition this thesis with Apple’s products as its starting point and distributors as its core researches on Apple’s distribution channels with an eye to its products environment and po


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