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put up 举起,挂起 put on 穿,戴上,上演 put out 扑灭 put off 延期 Zhang Jun is in London on his study trip. It is Sunday. Zhang Jun has no classes. Because he wants to communicate with more local people, he is visiting a British family. Hello, Zhang Jun. It’s great to see you again. Please come in. It’s great to see you again. 其它问候语: January 31, 2009 Saturday Clear I had a ____ ____ today. I went to ____ my friend Helen. Helen welcomed ___ at the door and took my coat. She __________ ___ to her Parents. We greeted _____ _____ and ______ ______. I gave them a _________ Chinese painting as a _______. I was glad they ____ __ _____ _____. Since it was my ____ ____ to Helen’s family, she _______ ___ ______ their house. They had just _________ it, and it was really beautiful. Translation 试穿 为某事感谢某人 张贴、挂 根据西方文化 西方人 东方人 北方人 南方人 打开礼物 当着客人的面 在他的学习旅行期间 不上课 try (it) on thank sb. for sth./doing sth. put up in Western culture Westerner easterner northerner southerner open the present in front of the visitor on his study trip have no classes 当地人 本族语(言) 说本族语的人 与某人交流 一个英国家庭 英国 与某人握手 一副传统的国画 第一次拜访我的家 带某人参观 上演 扑灭 延迟 local people native language native speakers communicate with a British family Britain shake hands with sb. a traditional Chinese painting your first visit to my family visit my family for the first time show… around put on put out put off 一位来自美国的英语 老师 西方的文化与风俗 在西方 给主人带礼物 有中国特色的东西 带一束鲜花 剪纸 丝绸围巾 百乐餐 在确定的时间后15分钟 an American teacher of English an English teacher from America Western culture and customs in the West take a present for the host or hostess something Chinese take a bouquet of flowers paper cuttings silk scarves a potluck party fifteen minutes after the stated time 忙于准备东西 准时 及时 有一个充分的理由 有一个做某事的充分理由 作为对……的答复 be busy preparing things on time in time have a good reason have a good reason for doing in response to/in answer to 当今对学生来说学好一门外语是很必须的。 Nowadays it is necessary for students to learn a foreign language. 在公众场合喧哗是不礼貌的。 Shouting in public is im


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