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基于CiteSpaceⅤ的国内外健美操研究计量学分析 朱振楠 朱小涛 高峰杉 大连理工大学体育教学部 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 研究方法 :以Web of Science TM核心合集收录的2006-2017年中研究主题为“aerobics”“aerobics gymnastics”“sport aerobics”的528篇文献为数据来源, 运用CiteSpaceⅤ科学计量学的方法对下载文献进行可视化分析。研究目的 :以知识图谱的方式对健美操高产国家/地区、高产机构、关键词等进行梳理, 旨在把握当前健美操的研究热点与趋势, 以推动我国健美操研究的发展。研究结果 :我国已超过美国成为在健美操领域研究最为活跃的国家, 占发文总数的30.5%;从时间上看西方国家对健美操的研究较早, 而我国起步较晚;我国健美操研究的发文量在世界上处于领先地位, 高产机构却与美国等科研强国有着很大的差距;现阶段健美操研究主要集中在促进身心健康与预防疾病方面, 尤其在肥胖、心血管疾病、耐力增强、特定群体的运动干预等方面较为突出。 关键词: 健美操; 知识图谱; 研究热点与趋势; CiteSpace; 作者简介:朱振楠, 讲师, 硕士, 研究方向:体育教育训练学。 收稿日期:2017-06-02 An Analysis of Domestic and Overseas Aerobics Research based on CiteSpaceV ZHU Zhen-nan ZHU Xiao-tao GAO Feng-shan Department of Physical Education, Dalian University of Technology; Abstract: Methods: Based on the core collection of the paper from Web of Science TM between 2006-2017 concerning the topic of “aerobics” “aerobics gymnastics” “sport aerobics” found 528 articles used as the original resource papers, using Cite Space V to visually treat and analyze the data. Objective V In the form of mapping knowledge domain combine with country(region) , institution, keyword and other factors, to grasp the aerobics research hotspot and trend of the current used to promote the development of the aerobics research in China. Result V The results show that China has already surpassed the United States becoming the most active country as research in the field of aerobics. China has published 161 papers accounting for 30.5% of the total; In addition to the number of different countries and region, the west were earlier in study of aerobics, and starts late in China; As aerobics research quantities is in the lead of China, high institutions but theres still a huge gap with the United States and other western countries; At present stage, aerobics research focuses on promoting physical and mental health and preventing disease, in particular the obesity, cardiovascular d


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