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Contents Skimming Reading Comprehension Test Yourself [短语] compared to / with [短语] compared to / with [短语] in other words [短语] in other words [短语] in accordance with [短语] in accordance with [搭配] be formed from [搭配] be formed from [单词] rotate [单词] rotate [短语] be dependent on [短语] be dependent on [单词] primitive [单词] primitive [短语] take to [短语] take to [短语] in terms of [短语] in terms of [搭配] out of proportion to sth. [搭配] out of proportion to sth. [短语] survive on [短语] survive on [搭配] without restraint [搭配] without restraint [搭配] a fraction of [搭配] a fraction of [搭配] a drain on sth. [搭配] a drain on sth. [短语] use up [短语] in spite of [短语] in spite of [搭配] live in harmony with [搭配] live in harmony with [短语] take advantage of [短语] take advantage of [短语] live with [短语] live with [短语] be ignorant of [短语] be ignorant of N H C E 返回 低效率工业的开发对国家资源的消耗日益加重。 For more Example 1 The development of low-efficient industries has become an ever-greater drain on the nation’s resources. something that continually uses a lot of time, money, etc. 消耗 N H C E Example 2 随着比赛的延长,每增加一个回合对双方运动员的体力都消耗很大。 As the contest prolonged, every further round was a great drain on the strength of both contestants. 返回 N H C E 返回 他没有赢得这场竞赛的原因,是他在比赛前半程就用完了体力。 For more Example 1 The reason for his failure to win the race was that he used up his strength for the first part of the race. use all of something 用完 N H C E Example 2 我们如果用完地下的石油资源,我们的生活又会是什么样子呢? What would become of our life then if we used up all the petroleum resources under the Earth? [短语] use up 返回 N H C E 返回 尽管有无数的磨难,他从不放弃追求。 For more Example 1 In spite of countless hardships, he never gave up trying. notwithstanding; despite 不顾;尽管 N H C E Example 2 不管你说他些什么,我还是相信他是诚实的。 In spite of what you say about him, I still believe he is honest. 返回 N H C E 返回 对待自然的最好方式,是与之和谐相处。 For more Example 1 The best way of dealing with nature is to live in harmony with it. live in peace with 与······和谐相处 N H C E Example 2 我们和谐相处,从而营造出温馨的生活环境


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