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八上unit 1 不同的假期活动different weekend activities 玩滑板go skateboarding 在周末on weekends 一周三次/一个月两次three times a week/twice a month 一周五六次five or six times a week 上网冲浪surf the Internet 在格林高中at Green High School 学生活动调查的结果the results of student activity survey 大多数学生most students 我们中的大多数most of us 一个活跃的男孩an active boy 活跃于某事be active in 至于作业一事as for homework 至于我/他/他们as for me/him/them 至于跑步as for running 提高英语improve English 想去做want to do 想让某人去做want sb to do 对我的健康有利be good for our health 对我们的健康不利be bad for our health 相当健康pretty healthy 从学校回家come home form school 我的饮食习惯my eating habits 尽力设法去做(及否定)try(not)to do 尽某人最大的努力去做try one’s best to do 尝试着try doing 试一试have a try 大量的a lot of 总是/有时候always/sometimes 每晚睡八小时sleep eight hours every night 当然可以of course 有助于做什么help sb to do 照看(两种)look after/take care of 有一个健康的生活方式have a healthy lifestyle 得到高分get good grades 一点也不健康be not healthy at all 一点也不喜欢don’t like at all 几乎不hardly ever 充足睡眠enough sleep 不喜欢和牛奶don’t like drinking milk A和B相同A be the same as B A和B不同A be different from B 学的更好study better 最好的英语学生the best English student 保持健康(三种)keep/stay/be healthy 处于良好的/欠佳的身体健康状况下be in good/bad/poor healthy 吃更少的肉eat less meat 吃更少的蔬菜eat fewer vegetables 吃更多的牛肉/水果eat more beef/fruit 加形容词的联系动词sound/hear/taste/smell/feel/stay/be/keep/look 持续做某事keep(on) doing sth 持续让某人做某事keep sb doing sth 不能忍受某事/做某事can’t stand sth/doing sth 感谢来访thanks for coming in 多久how often 多少次how many times 多少小时how many hours 多远(距离)how far 多久(时间)how long 做运动(4种)do/play sports do exercise/exercise 做眼保健操/做早操do eye exercises/morning exercises 做英语练习do English exercises 擅长.......be good at….. 对.......友好be friendly to 和.......相处的好be good with 一两个学生对one or two students/one student or two 对.......感兴趣be interested in 做某事是有趣的it’s interesting to do 名胜古迹 Places of interest 八上unit 2 谈论你的健康talk about your health 给一些建议/一条建议 give some advice / give a piece of advice 寻求意见 ask for advice 躺下来休息lie down and rest 蜂蜜热茶hot tea with honey 看牙医(2种)go to the dentist’s / see a dentist (人)感觉舒服 feel well 感觉病了/糟糕


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