《Info-Standard based approach for building domain ontology with a case study of management information in universities》.pdf

《Info-Standard based approach for building domain ontology with a case study of management information in universities》.pdf

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《Info-Standard based approach for building domain ontology with a case study of management information in universities》

Info-Standard based approach for building domain ontology with a case study of management information in universities Guo Xu Gao Guozhu Wu Haiyan Shen Xichen (Computer and Information Management Center of Tsinghua University,Beijing China 100084 ) Abstract: In order to serve the process of designing global data model and optimizing the structure of database system, the domain ontology of universities’ management is constructed. Based on the analysis of “Info-standard of universities’ management information of China”, a list of concepts is set up which includes resources of the domain, also a map of relationships between concepts is being built at the same time. Then a core operation field is illustrated by a basic ontology with required entities, relationships and constrains. By adding other operation fields into the basic ontology model, the overall blueprint is shown. Keywords: domain ontology, OWL, information standard An ontology is a specification of a conceptualization[1]. information in China” was established by a committee of The purpose of ontology is to establish the shared and common professionals and chief designers of the information systems for understanding of some domain that can be communicated across top universities of China. It was drafted on the 8th conference of people and computers[2]. In many research areas, domain China Higher Educational Academy (CHEIA) on Oct. 2006[4]. ontologies with different knowledge have been built to share The “Info-standard of universities’ management information between professionals and research staffs in information in China” is made up of two sections: the data


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