新视野大学英语(预备级)第二册unit 3课件.ppt

新视野大学英语(预备级)第二册unit 3课件.ppt

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新视野大学英语(预备级)第二册unit 3课件

misunderstand vt. understand wrongly; put a wrong understanding on 误解; 误会 She seemed to misunderstand purposely everything he said. 她有意误解他说的一切。 Human love can also be misunderstood. 人类的爱也可能被误会。 misunderstanding n. [C; U] the act of putting a wrong meaning on sth. 误解 I think there has been some misunderstanding between us. 我觉得我们之间有点误会。 comb v.1. tidy, esp. the hair 梳理(毛、发) It is not easy to comb her long hair. 梳理她的长发不是件容易的事。 2. search thoroughly 彻底搜查 They combed the forest for a lost child. 他们在森林里到处寻找一个迷路的孩子。 The police have combed the city for the murderer. 警察在市内到处搜寻凶手。 n. 梳子 She always carries a comb in her pocket. 她口袋里总带着一把梳子。 cent n. [C] one percent of any certain units of money 分币; 分 I havent a cent. 我身无分文。 pocket n. [C] a small, open bag on a jacket for keeping small things in 口袋 I kept the letter in my pocket. 我把信放在口袋里。 The policeman made me turn out my pockets. 警察要我把衣袋翻出来给他们看。 ride (rode, ridden) or be carried on in a vehicle 乘……旅行 He rode an airplane to New York. 他坐飞机去纽约了。 2. sit on and control 骑 He jumped on his horse and rode off. 他跃上马背奔驰而去。 \n. [C] a journey on an animal or in a vehicle 旅程 We had a pleasant ride. 我们骑马(乘车)玩得很高兴。 passenger n. [C] a person, not the driver, travelling in a vehicle 乘客 This bus can carry 60 passengers. 这辆公共汽车能载60名乘客。 bum n. [C] a wandering person who lives by begging 流浪汉 The bum was not satisfied with his present life. 那个流浪汉对其目前的生活不太满意。 driver n. [C] a person who drives 司机 Hes a new driver, and hes not very familiar with the roads. 他是个新司机,对道路不是很熟悉。 bomb n. [C] sth. that explodes with great force 炸弹 They planted a bomb to destroy the supermarket. 他们在超市里安放了一枚炸弹。 immediately ad. at once 立即 Stop it immediately. 立即停下来! pull v.1. (of a vehicle or its driver) move 行驶 A train is pulling away from the station(车站). 一列火车正在驶出车站。 2. use force so as to move sth. towards oneself 拉 Help me move it; you push and Ill pull. 帮我搬一下,你用力推,我来拉。 That bad tooth should be pulled out.


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