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BFT口试实战技巧(一) PRACTICAL SKILLS IN BFT SPEAKING TEST (I) 巧用定式开场白 Smart Prologue with Stems 无论在BFT口试第一部分(Self-Introduction)或是第二部分(Presentation),无论考官问什么,都可以灵活运“TIME FILLERS” +“DISCOURSE MARKERS”+ “I GUESS,I THINK,I SUPPOSE,I AM AFRAID,ETC.”来进行回答。而开场白的相对固定说法,实际的作用是帮助考生瞬间预热,并起到争取时间延时思考的效果,以便接下来更充分的表达。 巧用“DISCOURSE MARKERS”妙语连珠 Smart Flow with Discourse Markers 在口试第二部分要点描述过程中,最好不要直截了当地一路说来,只不过偶尔用简单的连接词“AND,BUT,SO”来连接各个要点。而应该使用不同的“DISCOURSE MARKERS”:例如:“AS FAR AS I /YOU/WE KNOW,AS A MATTER OF FACT,FRANKLY SPEAKING,FROM MY POINT OF VIEW,FURTHERMORE,ON THE OTHER HAND,ETC.”等等,从而使得整个描述过程生动自然。以下为其中一例,具体说明: Interlocutor: Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own for about a minute. I’m going to give each of you two different photographs and I’d like you to talk about them. Candidate A, here are your two photographs. They show two different types of classroom. Please let Candidate B have a look at them. Candidate B, I’ll give you your photographs in a minute. Candidate A, I’d like you to compare and contrast there photographs, saying where you would prefer to have classes if you were a student and why. Remember, you have only about a minute for this. So don’t worry if I interrupt you. All right? Candidate A: Well, frankly speaking/ as far as we know, different types of lectures have different effects. On one hand, having a class in a crowd big class with funny topics and lots of interaction is good for preliminary stage of learning. For example, like high school students who need more sensible education. On the other hand, a relevantly quiet and small studio class conducted by specialist with overhead projector might be more suitable for advanced learners, such as postgraduates or researchers. In person, I am most likely interested in big, bustling and interactively funny workshop seminars. 考生一定要充分利用一分钟陈述准备。每个要点要写出至少一个关键词。除此之外,当考官说完“Remember, you have only about a minute for this. So don’t worry if I interrupt you. All right? Can you start speaking now please?”考生即可运用


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