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句内关系的分析与再现 汉语复句: 并列复句1并列2连贯3递进4选择 主从复句1转折2假设3条件4因果5目的 1.并列关系 1.我帮助他,他也帮助我. He helps me and I help him. 2.早期的电影是无声的,你既听不到演员的对话,也听不到动作所发出的响声. The early films were silent, you could neither hear the dialogues between characters, nor the sounds and noises made by actions. 3.这两种文明产生于不同的地区,他们的发展并行不悖,互不影响. These two civilizations, which were created in different areas, developed in parallel and without interinfluence. 4.不是他没有讲清楚,就是我没有听明白. Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not hear well. 双桥好走,独木难行. 5.大多数高校已有效地将权利下放给系主任,也就是说,系主任有了确定本系人员编制和按原则使用现有经费的自主权. In most colleges and universities, the devolution of decision-making rights to the department head has been effective, Which means that the department head is given the autonomy to decide on the staffing within the department and also to utilize the available funds under certain guidelines. 2. 连贯关系 计算机刚一启动,就发现有病毒. Hardly had the computer started working when viruses were found. As soon as/ scarcely…when/ no sooner…than 杨小姐郑重的递给我一张名片表示希望和我交个朋友,于是便开始和我低声交谈. Miss yang, who had presented a name card to me in hopes of making friends with me, began to converse with me in a gentle voice. 3.递进关系 Not only can a forest provide a home for wildlife, but wildlife can in turn make the trees and plants flourish. In the solar system the planets as well as the sun itself are in constant motion. 选择关系 We would rather go on with the experiment than give it up. 目的关系 So that, in order that, to the end that With the aim of, In case, lest /… not Bicycles should be left at parking lots so as not to block the traffic. He looks out the tyres carefully before going to work every day lest they should go flat on the way. He is planning to organize a lecture that will provide us with a general understanding of the U.S financial market system. 因果关系 China, which abounds in material and spiritual resources, is destined to play a decisive role in international affairs. Unit 8 Exercises: That would be nicer still./still nicer. Set aside all formalit


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