Find, build and keep great people – a sustainable approach .ppt

Find, build and keep great people – a sustainable approach .ppt

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Find, build and keep great people – a sustainable approach

Presentation Date Presenters Name Presentation Date Presentation Title Consultants Name Does being a Top Employer make a difference in employee engagement? How - And Why - Top Employers Are Building An Oasis for Talent Why are we all here? Public recognition of workplace excellence Because the CEO said it was important Because people make the difference between success and failure Why be on the list? Easier to attract good candidates Management and shareholder recognition of what your HR programs are all about Shows your current and future employees the kind of workplace you want to be or become A visible sign that helps shape your reputation as a good employer Recognition that your internal employment deal supports your external customer brand Why CEOs are placing Talent Management front and centre A global playing field is heightening competition for business and talent The competition for leadership talent among top companies has intensified, and companies are looking at new ways to attract and retain top talent “People-driven” enterprises are setting themselves apart in terms of overall business performance While the world’s population will continue to grow, demographic projections point to a coming skills shortage in such areas as management, customer service and research Organizations have identified critical gaps — in retaining current leaders and growing future leaders The world in numbers… Leading organizations make the critical link between people, programs and results Towers Perrin and Canada’s Top 100 share the view that: Employee engagement is a fundamental metric of company “health” and of the day-to-day work experience Including such a measure as part of the overall assessment of a company as a place to work makes great sense Towers Perrin has a well-tested (externally validated) and relatively simple model for measuring engagement Understanding what engagement means, how it’s measured and what drives it We define engagement as employees


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