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1 TFC The Future Company I think everyone know the KFC, but do you know the TFC? The TFC is the short of The Future Company. This is a company that closely related to our future life.The company has four ultimate fantasies about the future life. 每个人都知道KFC,但是你知道TFC吗?TFC是The Future Company的缩写,这是一个与我们未来生活息息相关的公司,该公司对未来生活有四大终极幻想。 3 CATALOGUE Food 4 CATALOGUE Food 5 Lab-grown meat feeds the world 人造肉类养活全世界 Food 饮食 6 Food 饮食 Petri meat, in vitro meat, cultured meat. Call it whatever you like, but get used to the name 试管肉,培养肉,或者其他任何名称,不管怎么叫,我们都得习惯它。 7 Food 饮食 Meat produced in a lab (and grown from animal cells) could be the future of nutrition. 因为,实验室通过动物细胞培养出来的食用肉将成为人类未来的营养食品。 8 Food 饮食 The scientists who are developing test-tube meat say it is an important way to keep up with the worlds growing appetite for protein while reducing meat productions environmental impact like land requirements and CO2 emissions. 9 Food 饮食 研究试管肉的科学家们指出,我们一方面要满足人类对蛋白质日益增长的需求,同时还要降低猪肉生产所造成的用地需求、二氧化碳排放等环境影响,要想实现这些目的,这种方法至关重要。 Food 饮食 There are only about 30 people working on cultured meat globally, and they agree the stuff will take a while to get to grocers shelves. 当下,全球仅有大约30名科学家正在研究人工培养肉;他们一致认为,人工培养肉上市还需要一段时间。 11 Food 饮食 The biggest hurdle to commercialization is lack of funding for research — though money is trickling in from unconventional sources. 虽然有非传统型渠道为这项研究提供资金,但研究经费不足仍是人造肉实现商业化的最大障碍。 Food 饮食 A scientist in the Netherlands received 300,000 euros from an anonymous donor to produce a lab burger. 荷兰的一位科学家获得了30万欧元的匿名捐赠,用于生产实验室汉堡。 13 Food 饮食 And PETA is offering $1 million to the scientist who can make and sell cultured chicken by June 2012. 另外,善待动物组织(PETA)将出资100万美元,用于资助能在2012年6月前生产和销售人工培养鸡肉的科学家 14 Food CATALOGUE 15 Medicine医学 大脑成像技术开辟医疗新境界 A map of the brain leads to cures Medicine医学 The key to curing many diseases may come only when scientists fully understand the human brain, a complex machine that hasnt been completely investigated. 许多疾病要想治愈


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