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直方图均衡化 均衡化前后直方图比较 例 均衡化 * 在某些情况下,例如,在显示图像的傅立叶谱时,其动态范围远远超过了显示设备的显示能力,此时仅有图像中最亮部分可在显示设备上显示,而频谱中的低值将看不见,这时对数变换非常有用。 * * We note that in the dark image that the components of the histogram are concentrated on the low (dark) side of the gray scale. Similarly, the components of the histogram of the bright image are biased toward the high side of the gray scale. An image with low contrast has a histogram that will be narrow and will be centered toward the middle of the gray scale. For a monochrome image this implies a dull, washed-out gray look. Finally, we see that the components of the histogram in the high-contrast image cover a broad range of the gray scale and, further, that the distribution of pixels is not too far from uniform, with very few vertical lines being much higher than the others. Intuitively, it is reasonable to conclude that an image whose pixels tend to occupy the entire range of possible gray levels and, in addition, tend to be distributed uniformly, will have an appearance of high contrast and will exhibit a large variety of gray tones. The net effect will be an image that shows a great deal of gray-level detail and has high dynamic range. It will be shown shortly that it is possible to develop a transformation function that can automatically achieve this effect, based only on information available in the histogram of the input image. * 首先假定连续灰度级的情况,推导直方图均衡化变换公式,令r代表灰度级,P ( r ) 为概率密度函数。 r值已归一化,最大灰度值为1。 * 实 例 原始图像 灰度倒置 底片效果 原始图像 非线性灰度变换对数效应 原始图像 非线性灰度变换指数效应 灰度直方图是灰度值的函数,它描述了图像中各灰度值的像素个数。 通常用横坐标表示像素的灰度级别,纵坐标表示对应的灰度级出现的个数。 1. 灰度直方图的定义 3.2.1 直方图概述 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 6 6 4 6 6 3 4 5 6 6 6 1 4 6 6 2 3 1 3 6 4 6 6 灰度直方图 2. 直方图的性质 只能反映图像的灰度分布情况,而不能反映图像像素的位置,。 一幅图像对应唯一的灰度直方图,反之不成立。 3.2.1 直方图概述 不同的图像具有相同直方图 3.2.1 直方图概述 常用的直方图纵坐标用相对值表示。 设图像总像素为N,某一级灰度像素数为nk,则直方图表示为: p(rk)= nk/N 3.2.1 直方图概述 假设某图像的灰度直方图具有 二峰性,则表明这个图像较亮的区域和较暗的区域可以较好地分离。 取二峰间的谷点为阈值点,可以得到好的二值处理的效果。 3.2.1 直方图概