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第 六 届 全 国 土 木 工 程 研 究 生 学 术 论 坛 清 华 大 学 2008 环境岩土工程中土壤重金属污染修复方法的述评 余志贵,席永慧 (同济大学建筑工程系,上海 200092 ) 摘 要:土壤中的有害重金属积累到一定程度就会对土壤-水-生物系统产生毒害。国内外根据采用方法与原理的不 同,将土壤重金属修复污染的方法主要分为工程措施(土壤污染物理化学治理技术)、基于污染物土壤地球化学行 为的改良措施、农艺措施、生物修复以及综合修复。由于修复方法比较多,本文重点对土壤重金属污染的生物修 复和矿物修复方法展开述评。最后本文提出将土壤、重金属污染物以及土壤中的水分、空气和生物作为一个固- 液-气-生物系统综合研究各部分相互关系。运用多学科知识,加强吸附材料对重金属离子吸附性能以及污染物迁 移机理的研究,将实验室、野外现场理论研究与实际情况相结合,理论的深化有助于指导我们改善重金属污染的 土壤环境。 关键词:环境岩土工程;重金属污染;修复;粘土矿物;改性 Review on remediation methods of heavy metal pollution in soil in environment civil engineering YU Zhi-Gui, XI Yong-Hui (Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China) Abstract: Deleterious heavy metal in soil accumulated enough could do harm to soil-water- biology system. According to different methods and principles at home and abroad, remediation methods of heavy metal pollution are primarily comprised of engineering measure (soil pollution Physio-chemical techniques), improved measure based on contamination geochemistry, agricultural measure, bioremediation and compositive remediation. Based on many methods of remediation, we primarily review bioremediation and mineral remediation. Finally we suggest putting soil, heavy metal pollution and water, air, biology in soil into solid-fluid-air- biology system, and investigating and analyzing mutual connections among all the parts. Applying multi-subject knowledge to research absorption capacity of adsorptive materials and contamination transport mechanism, we can combine laboratory tests, field investigation and actual engineering to improve the soil environment polluted by heavy mental. Key words: environment civil engineering; heavy metal contamination; remediati


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