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某公司网络?文件系统的?构建 摘 要 随着计算机?及网络技术?的飞速发展?,企业文件管?理信息化、网络化是必?然的趋势。利用计算机?和网络技术?来进行文件?管理,具有以下优?势:利于实现数?据信息的共?享,减轻管理员?的工作负荷?,使文件管理?更科学、更规范、更安全。因此,设计一个安?全的网络文?件管理系统?是十分必要?的。 系统采用B?/S工作模式?,使用ASP?技术和AC?CESS数?据库平台。主要功能如?下:对于服务器?端的文件实?现多文件同?时上传;多功能的文?件在线编辑?;强大的多用?户管理体系?,能对用户进?行目录与文?件的访问限?制;强大的统计?功能,能精确统计?每一个文件?夹及文件的?大小。为确保系统?安全性,服务器端配?置了SSL?,系统对用户?密码用MD?5进行加密?。此论文详细?介绍了系统?的需求分析?,系统设计和?具体实现。最后,以表格形式?给出测试结?果。 关键词: 互连网;文件管理;ASP Desig?n and Imple?menta?tion of Netwo?rk File Manag?ement? Syste?m Abstr?act With the fast devel?opmen?t of compu?ter and netwo?rk techn?ology?, it is an inevi?table? tende?ncy for compa?nies to manag?e docum?ents by the use of compu?ter and netwo?rk techn?ology?. In that way, it is advan?tageo?us to share? infor?matio?n and reduc?e the workl?oad of manag?ers. It will make the docum?ent manag?ement? more scien?tific?, more stand?ard and much safer?. There?fore, it is very essen?tial to desig?n a safe netwo?rk file manag?ement? syste?m. This syste?m is based? on the B/S model? and devel?oped by ASP and ACCES?S datab?ase. Its main funct?ions are as follo?ws. Multi?ple files? at the sever? termi?nal can be uploa?ded simul?taneo?usly. It has the multi?ple funct?ional? file editi?on onlin?e. It has power?ful manag?ement? syste?m for multi?ple users?. It can limit? the users?’ acces?s to the folde?rs or files?. It has power?ful stati?stica?l funct?ion, and it can preci?sely count? the size of each folde?r and file. In order? to guara?ntee the syste?m’s secur?ity, the serve?r termi?nal has confi?gured? SSL; and the passw?ord is encry?pted with MD5 encry?ption? algor?ithm. In this paper?, the requi?remen?t analy?sis, desig?n and imple?menta?tion of the syste?m are intro?duced? in detai?l. At last, the resul?t of testi?ng is intro?duced? in the form of table?s. Key words?: 目 录 论文总页数?:24页 1引言 1 1.1课题背景? 1 1.2国内外研? 1 1.3本课题研? 1 1.4本课题的? 1 2用户需求? 1 2.1用户角色? 1 2.2功能需求? 2 2.2.1用户管理? 2 2.2.2文件管理? 2 2.2.3安全性的? 2 2.3性能需求? 3 3相关理论? 3 3.1系统开发? 3 3.2 B/S模式 3 3.3 ASP技术? 3


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