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广西民族大学 硕士学位论文 超样条函数空间的局部Lagrange插值 姓名:李娜 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:计算数学 指导教师:刘焕文 @ Lagrange (CAGD). HermiteLagrange 2 LagrangeWang-C Lagrange Wang- Lagrange 2 . C Lagrange Lagrange . Wang- Lagrange LOCAL LAGRANGE INTERPOLATION BY SUPER SPLINE SPACES ON TRIANGULATIONS ABSTRACT Bivariate spline spaces have been widely applied in finite element method, numerical approxi- mation theory, surface fitting, scattered data interpolation, numerical solution of partial dierential equations and computer aided geometic design (CAGD). In interpolation theory of bivariate splines, there are generally two methods: Hermite interpo- lation and Lagrange interpolation. We discuss Lagrange interpolation in this paper. First Lagrange interpolation schemes are constructed based on bivariate C2 quintic super spline spaces on Wang’s refined triangulations. Firstly a suitable coloring of the triangles in the original triangulation is used and about half of the triangles are subdivided by Wang’s refined triangulation. Then Lagrange interpolation points are chosen in the refined triangulation by requiring certain additional smooth- ness conditions across inserted edges. The corresponding fundamental splines have local sup- ports. Then Lagrange interpolation scheme is constructed based on bivariate C2 nine super splines spaces At first a suitable coloring of the triangles is used by black and white colors. Then Lagrange interpolation points are chosen in the triangulations. It is shown that the corre- sponding



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