英语写作:应用文写作2.1 Notice of Meeting.ppt

英语写作:应用文写作2.1 Notice of Meeting.ppt

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2.1 Notice of Meeting Learning Objectives 1. Appropriateness and level of formality; 2. Items on agenda; 3. Toward more idiomatic expressions; 4. The reply form. Sample 1—A notice of meeting on the blackboard NOTICE OF MEETING There will be a scheduled staff meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 18 September 2002 in the Conference Room at the Department. All the staff members are expected at the meeting. General Office 15 September 2002 Sample 2—A notice of meeting in memo DEPARTMENT FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION Director J.W. White BA FGS FRGS University of Wales 38 Park Place Cardiff CF1 3BB Fax (01222) 231968 Telex 498635 Tel (01222) 874831/874832 20 June 2002 NOTICE OF MEETING Dear Colleague, There will be a scheduled staff meeting at 11 a.m. on Friday, 28 June 2002,in Room 201 at the Main Tower. J.W. White DIRECTOR AGENDA 1. Minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2002 (attached). 2. Matters Arising. 3. Funding Council Circular W99/10HE; implications (attached). 4. Administrative structure of Department. 5. Part-time first degrees (attached). 6. Appraisal scheme review. 7. A.O.B. 8. Next meeting: Main agenda: Modularization and part-time first degrees. Sample 3/A—A notice of an international symposium (for domestic participants) 中国英语教学国际研讨会 论文宣读邀请函 由中国英语教学研究会、全国高校外语专业教学指导委员会等单位联合举办的“中国英语教学国际研讨会”定于2001年5月19—22日在北京华润饭店举行,特邀请您出席会议并宣读论文。 会议分为两部分。第一部分:大会主旨报告,包括国内外知名学者Geoffrey Leech、Christopher Candlin、David Nunan、Neil Anderson、Nobuyuki Honna、Ho Wah Kam、桂诗春、戴炜栋、胡文仲、杨惠中、邵永真、胡家峦、顾曰国等;第二部分:分会场发言,按论文的不同内容分组进行,每位代表发言不超过15分钟(包括5分钟回答问题)。 会议的具体安排及要求如下: 1. 会议时间:18日8:00—20:00登记报到,并向会务组提交入选论文两份和磁盘一份,19—21日全天会议,22日12:00之前离会。 (22日“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛半决赛、决赛,这是全国最高水平的英语辩论大赛,有意参加者登记报到时办理手续。) 2. 报到地点:华润饭店大厅(北京建国路35号,电话前台) 3. 乘车路线:(出席会议的代表达800人,大会恕不安排接送站。) (1) 北京站:站前乘环线地铁至建国门站换乘直线地铁至四惠东站;


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