优秀、结构科学的商务市场分析模板:网络市场的增长和影响Social media Developing a strategy for pharma有美丽倒影.ppt

优秀、结构科学的商务市场分析模板:网络市场的增长和影响Social media Developing a strategy for pharma有美丽倒影.ppt

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优秀、结构科学的商务市场分析模板:网络市场的增长和影响Social media Developing a strategy for pharma有美丽倒影

* * * * * * * Making Sense of Diabetes The strength of collaboration Pfizer Can You Feel My Pain? Concept: Can You Feel My Pain? An awareness-raising and influencing campaign that exists online entirely in social media Engaging through connectors (patient groups) Multiple social media channels allow individuals to use preferred platforms International multi-language Europe-wide social media strategy embracing multiple languages Regional strategy; local implementation Channel-dependent approach to languages Supports variations in local culture channel preferences Facebook in multiple languages European e-petition Engagement via Twitter Cross-language communication through photography Engaging through partners Patient groups equipped to use social media channels to support strategy Flexible implementation options allow individual groups to support preferred channels Collaborative awareness-raising adds value for each partner 9 European patient groups equipped Key steps Plan for engagement – it’s happening already Seek out opportunities Don’t ignore the challenges Ask the difficult questions Collaborate with colleagues Research discover what your customers stakeholders are doing online Daniel Ghinn Director of Digital Engagement Creation Healthcare daniel.ghinn@ Twitter: @EngagementStrat * * * * * * Social media: Developing a strategy for pharma Daniel Ghinn Director of Digital Engagement Creation Healthcare The views and opinions expressed in the following PowerPoint slides are those of the individual presenter and should not be attributed to Drug Information Association, Inc. (“DIA”), its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, members, chapters, councils, Special Interest Area Communities or affiliates, or any organization with which the presenter is employed or affiliated. ? These PowerPoint slides are the intellectual property of the individual presenter and are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and other count


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