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精品论文 参考文献 纤维喉镜下息肉前部钳夹法与支撑喉镜下摘除广基型声带息肉疗效分析 孙宇鹏 王晓光 樊亚琴(遵义医学院第三附属医院耳鼻喉科 贵州遵义 563000)   【摘要】目的 比较纤维喉镜下息肉头部钳夹法摘除广基型声带息肉与传统支撑喉镜下摘除广基型声带息肉的疗效。方法 在表面麻醉下经纤维喉镜使用喉钳钳夹法从广基型声带息肉头部摘除声带息肉 30 例,与同期在全麻下经传统支撑喉镜下摘除声带息肉25 例患者比较手术时间及术后第3 天时疗效,所得数据采用 SPSS17.0 软件包进行统计学分析。 结果 两组患者在手术时间及术后第3 天时疗效比较有明显差异(P < 0.05)。 结论 在用纤维喉镜下用息肉头部钳夹法治疗广基型声带息肉比传统支撑喉镜下摘除,更利于手术及术后恢复。   【关键词】纤维喉镜 声带息肉 支撑喉镜   【中图分类号】R856.76 【文献标识码】A 【文章编??】1672-5085(2013)38-0019-01   Curative effect analysis of the removal of wide base type of vocal cord polyps by self-retaining laryngoscope and polyp head clamps method under the fiber laryngoscope   SUN Yupeng1 WANG Xiaoguang2 FAN Yaqin2   Department of otorhinolaryngology, Affiliated No.3 Hospital Zunyi Medical College,guizhou,zunyi,563000,China   【Abstract】 Objective: Compare curative effect of the removal of wide base type of vocal cord polyps by polyp head clamps method under the fiber laryngoscope to curative effect of the removal of wide base type of vocal cord polyps by self-retaining laryngoscope.Methods: Through surface anesthesia via fibrolaryngoscope make used of laryngeal forceps clamps method to remove the wide base type of vocal cord polyps from the front of the polyps 30 cases, in the same period, to remove it the traditional self-retaining laryngoscope 25 cases, compared to them by operation time and postoperative 3th day curative effect. the data is statistical analysed with SPSS17.0 software package. Results: The two groups of patients have obvious difference (Plt;0.05) in the operation time and postoperative 3th day curative effect.Conclusion: By using the polyp head clamps method under the fiber laryngoscope to treat the wide base type of vocal cords polyp than the traditional self-retaining laryngoscope is more conducive to surgery and quicker for postoperative recovery.   【Key Words】 the fibrolaryngoscope vocal cord polyps the self-retaining laryngoscope   耳鼻咽喉科在喉部的良性肿瘤中以声带息肉发病率最高,其主要症状为不同程度声音嘶哑,说话费力, 增生巨大者可引起憋气, 甚至呼吸困难。查体时多见一侧或双侧声带前、中 1/3 交界处的边缘,带蒂或广基型突起


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