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Colliers Quarterly SHANGHAI | BUSINESS PARK 上海 | 商务园区 Q2 2017 26 July 2017 Leasing demand 租赁需求活跃 active Shanghai’s business park market was strong in Q2 第二季度,上海商务园区办公物业市场需求活跃,净吸 2017 with net absorption doubling from Q1 and six 纳量较第一季度翻番。受稳定的租赁需求所支撑,全市 new projects launched. Average rent rose slightly, 平均租金小幅上涨。投资物业市场活跃,有两宗整售交 driven by firm demand. The investment market was active, with two en bloc sales closed. Looking 易完成。展望未来,高力国际预期大量新增供应将暂时 forward, Colliers expects that heavy new supply 推升张江及漕河泾的空置率。业主或将提供更为灵活的 will temporarily push up the vacancy rate in 租金优惠方式,且租户将在租赁条款上拥有更强的谈判 Zhangjiang and Caohejing. We expect landlords to 能力。 offer more flexible incentives, and tenants will be in a better position to negotiate leasing terms. Forecast at a glance 预测一览表 Demand 需求 High-tech industries, especially IT-related 高科技行业将继续刺激租赁需求,尤以信息 companies, should continue to stimulate 技术相关公司为甚 leasing demand Supply 供应 About 480,000 sq m (5.16 million sq ft) of 2017 年下半年,约有48 万平方米 (516 万 new supply is due to be finished in H2, 平方英尺)新增供应计划入市,其中逾八成 over 80% of which will be in Zhangjiang and Caohejing. Total stock should rise by 位于张江及漕河泾。我们预计2021 年末总 26% by end-2021 存量将增长26% Vacancy rate 空置率 We expect the huge amount of supply in 高力国际预期2017 年末大量计划入市的新 pipeline will push up the v


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